Be Without You Pt 2 (A)

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Words: 2032


Jungkook sighed as he played around in the withering garden soon everything will be covered in snow then he'll really have to stay in the house forever

Sighing he caresses the bright pink petals on the dahlias knowing that he would miss the pretty flower He just hated how they were all dying so soon

"Even the prettiest flower will die one day, it's nature's way of teaching us that nothing last's forever" he heard a deep voice from behind him and when he looked to see who it belonged to he flinched not expecting it to be the weird boy from the office

"T-taehyung?" He mumbled somewhat proud that he remembered his name well how could he even forget it when his thoughts kept traveling to him

"Yes im taehyung and you are?" He titled his head with a amused grin on his face

"How rude of me i-im jungkook nice to meet you" he reached out getting ready to shake his hand but retracted it remembering that there was cuts on his skin

"Ah the old switch huh my past foster parent's were the same" the older of the two smiled weakly moving his bangs out of his face to reveal a long red cut that went from his eyebrow down past his eye stopping at his cheek "don't be afraid i know what its like to be treated like shit and since I'll be staying here now you can talk to me about anything when your comfortable with me at least"

Living here?

Kookie wasn't angry nor did he dislike that arrangement one bit if anything it felt nice to have someone around the same age to talk to

"How did you end up here" kook asked as he sat onto the fancy bench that was next to the dried up bird bath "y-you don't have to tell me if your not ready to" he stammered scared that he would hit a nerve

Tae sat next to him lighting a cigarette taking a puff "a lot of things happened but now is not the right time in the future I'll give you the full story"

"Sorry for being all up in your business and don't you know what your smoking is very poisonous to a growing teenagers body y-you could hurt yourself"

"Maybe i deserve to get poisoned bunny i've been a really bad boy lately" jungkook blushed at that nickname he was used to kookie and worthless child but hearing that from the sun kissed boy had him feeling all giddy inside

"So how did you end up here were you born in this place?" Taehyung put out the cigarette giving him his full attention "but you don't have to talk if your not up to it"

"No its fine its good to get those type of feelings off of your chest" kook smiled staring at the falling leaves remembering a past he tried so hard to forget

"I came here when i was five my mother had me young and well she didn't have all the materials to raise a child on her own yet she tried her very best, at times i would help out when i could even though i knew it wasn't enough i-i just disliked when she would struggle all because of me"

Tae frowned staring at kookie not really sure what to do guessing by how the story was going so far there will be a sad ending

Sometimes jungkook didn't like to re-live his past yet there was something about taehyung that made him want to tell it all "one day we went to the park i was excited since we never got to do things like that in a while so i played on the swings while she went to get ice cream not knowing that my mother would never come back,

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