Assasins Love Pt 4 (M)

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Ok finally i fucking finished another part to this and it took me forever but there will be one last part to this soon lol so please bare with me loves

I purple you guys💜



Jungkook woke up alarmed not really remembering what happened since he lost his mind fighting those bastards

But what couldn't get off his mind was how inejiro was still alive and kicking when he witnessed him die

This wasn't good yet this time he swore he'll end his life for sure "b-baby" he heard a deep voice call from the door frame he smiled once he realized it was taehyung

"I-im fine so please don't ask what happened and just come hold me so i can forget it all" he dropped everything in his hand running to jungkook engulfing him in a big hug pulling away when the younger boy winced in pain

"Its okay" he whispered as he caressed his face kissing his trembling lips he knew that taehyung was about to cry

Fuck he hated when the one he loves would be sad

"I-I should've been there you wouldn't be hurt if i just followed you or something but instead i ignored you when I didn't want to" he sobbed onto his chest "i swear on my life I'll kill the bastard who did this!"

Jungkook chuckled touched at the statement but what he really wanted was something way more than that "we can deal with that later right now all i really want is for you to come closer"

Taehyung wrapped his arms around him snuggling his face into his neck not really getting that jungkook wanted sex and instead of cuddles

But he got the memo when something big kept poking him in the stomach and when he glanced up at jungkook he looked away handsome face lit up with a blush "i-i want you to fuck me hyung" he said almost a whisper looking away embarrassed at his actions

Yet he didn't regret them

Taehyung stood up part of him wanted to destroy him yet the other part was concerned for his wounds scared that he would hurt him too much "i want to bunny trust me i do but i-im scared that if i get too close t-"

He stood up hands planting themselves onto his firm chest "I've been tortured, hanged on many occasions dont even asked how i got out of that i even got some parts cut open on my body

I don't care if im in pain i can tolerate it

I-I want you to become mines and the only way i feel that I'll be fully yours is that i give myself to you no matter what the condition

Now cut that pain shit out im a assassin for fucks sake nothing can fully hurt me unless your that cause"

Taehyung teared up pulling away slowly as kookie leaned in but once their lips touched he couldn't refuse any longer "I promise I'll be gentle" he said as they made direct eye contact

Jungkook smiled wrapping his arms around his neck "I'm not glass so it's fine i dont mind a little roughness " he said before he kissed up his neck biting on his sensitive ear "give me all you got and don't hold back tae"

He picked him up lips capturing his once again

This kiss was slow and uncertain, soft yet anxious, plump but rough setting off a wildfire in the two that needed to be contained before the flames burned both of them up

No this kiss wasn't just any ordinary kiss that the lovers shared with others

It was the type that made you forget how to breathe maybe even think straight

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