The Heart Thief (A)

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Hello so um this is new and i'm sorry I haven't been updating or anything i just don't have the motivation lately like at all it's been hard for me to write yet i'm trying so please bare with me and I'll try my best to not give up on this so maybe there will be a part two however i know i'm supposed to be updating all the other stories in this again I don't know how i want them to go so it's hard for me to write them but i will also try to get around to them as well

P.s this is somewhat mpreg in a way it has nothing to do with omegaverse and i edited this a little lazy since i was exhausted so sorry if there's errors just let me know nicely don't be a dick about it

I purple you guys 💜



A wise man once said that after you kiss a thief always count your teeth hell you could say i walked right into the situation that came my way

When i got a kiss from a thief none of my teeth were missing yet that charming serpent stole my heart

Then all of my money

At that time i was the richest man alive owning many successful companies becoming a big ceo at a very young age

I was literal royalty everyone bowed down to my feet ignorant to my snobby arrogant ways however i never paid attention to the real dangerous threats around me

Back then money could solve all my problems when in reality money was the root of all evil

Kim taehyung slithered to me convincing me to take a bite of the forbidden fruit he was a very sharp vixen alluring with impressive intelligence one word from his lips would make you drop your pants in a matter of minutes

Stupidly i was his target that gave into his every wish blinded by insatiable lust hypnotized by the sweet song of a siren

Naive to the deceit I'll know shortly after

One look at him changed something in me that made me throw away all logical reasoning wanting nothing but to cherish his beautiful rotten soul

I remember how we danced under the moonlight quiet yet passionately caressing one another as if what we had would disappear right then and there

I didn't have a care in the world which was new when it came to an over thinker like me because that night was the first time in years I wasn't mr jeon


I was just jungkook whose dream was to become a painter maybe even a art teacher however my parents always said silly fantasies like that would never pay your bills

With taehyung i was a new man probably the man that i was so afraid to be

He made me feel things, real things and i have to say I wasn't scared to let that part of me shine through when he was in my presence

His words were like voodoo bewitching me into believing that we were really written in the stars,

That this was it you don't really find love until it finds you

Finally i didn't have to be alone anymore

Ridiculous right?

I held him after we got past the life story stage of when you first meet someone new its crazy to think i was convinced our bodies were aligned spiritually

Like fate had something to do with it

Furthermore I understood how idiotic i was because after the sun rose i was no longer the richest man in the world anymore

I became the most wanted man alive regardless the fact of me having no parts to my tragic demise nor the crimes i was framed for

Being on the run for five years really takes a toll on your mind nowadays i slept lightly while my hand clenched my pistol forever cautious to my surroundings

My heart was like a tundra in the arctic i no longer had the time for petty trivial things i did previously

Living this type of life actually opens your eyes to many things you never really noticed before in the slums

People who were poor without healthcare just dropped dread in the streets like flies while children worried if they were going to get sold or even live to be the age ten

So many families was forced to split up which was sickening i hated it

I wanted to help them i had everything all planned out to free them from the continuous hell they woke up to every morning

I was going to go through the valley of death a place you never should go alone yet what else did i have to lose

Was what i thought before taehyung showed up at my doorstep pretty face cluttered with cuts when i thought that i would never see him again "so after all this time and betrayal you still have the balls to come before me" i scoffed glaring as he walked passed me looking around at my belongings in my sitting room

"You know you have a lot of nerve being here after what you did let me guess are your here to finish the job" i chuckled bitterly hoping that was the reason why and the reason for me to finally take his life "well i have nothing left so things shouldn't be that hard of a task this time oh wait it never was"

Lying his jacket onto my sofa tae sighs getting close to me "you know i've missed you bun you still have that fire in your eyes you've had many years ago i have to say its turning me on" i smacked his hand away glaring at him how dare he ruin my life with no explanation then magically reappear to only to torment me

How dare this bastard bring back the old flame i so desperately tried to smother "cut the shit and tell me what's the real reason your back in my life you thief!"

Pulling away his smile turns upside down as he scratched his head in frustration "you have to understand i had to do what i did because it was the orders given to me then again you should thank me for freeing you from that boring bird cage you were trapped in i literally saved you and this is how you act"

"Save?! you didn't save ANYTHING, you played with my feelings then you fucking took me for all i had you don't know me so stop acting like your this good person" i got in his face angry at his stupid words "you make a little noise now and then yet a good person wouldn't do what you did you filthy piece of shit now grab your stuff and get the fu-"

Cutting me off he kissed me gentle yet passionate, me being the fool that i am i gave into those sweet sinful lips that flooded my heart with memories of us that i buried away deep in my mind and when tae pulled away his eyes locked onto mine leaving me speechless

Tongue tied on what to do next as my brain argued with my heart in a never ending battle but don't get me wrong i knew to never trust him again

No matter how many times the cold blooded reptile sheds it skin it'll always be a snake

"I know what i did doesn't excuse anything but jungkook your more than some sheltered rich kid you're a leader someone people look to for guidance and right now these people need all they can get to have faith again so i understand if you don't want to hear what i have to say but i need you, we all need you and so does our child"

After hearing that i was skeptical yet knowing that i may have a little piece of me out in the world made me want bite off more than i could chew fuck i know that he's a liar hell he hurt me and i hate that i'm so ready to follow him to the ends of the earth when he could do it all over again

Plus knowing that he kept our child only gave me a little hope that what we had in the past wasn't just some stupid business deal

"Alright you have my full attention but cross me again and i'll never forgive you" i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "this time I won't hesitate to put a fucking bullet into your skull"

He smiled nodding "good because what we're about to do is a suicide mission we can't do this alone so we'll need back up"

He was right besides suicide wasn't the best to describe what we were about to accomplish in these next couple of weeks

If anything this was a death wish

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