Rivals In Love Pt2 (A?)

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Sorry there still wont be any smut this is actually a bit of a slow burn type of story so i wont include whose top or bottom if that bothers you then just skip this please

Words: 2694


Taehyung was mad that he really had to move in with jungkook like seriously why couldn't they just live with them in their house

The house where he grew up in with so much happy memories

"aww taeger don't pout I know you don't want to move into the jeons house but this could be a good opportunity for something new" his father smiled at him trying to cheer him up

Yeah new problems on top of the ones he already has "its fine papa don't worry about it but we should get a move on" mingyu put the last box into the truck as taehyung sat in the passenger seat putting his headphones in

He closed his eyes as the music from the tiny speakers Invaded his mind all he could think about was how disastrous this all was

He didn't want this!

He wanted any and everything to stay away from jungkook then again his fathers happiness means the most to him since he put his life on hold for just to raise him

He had to deal with this no matter what happens like he said no one can't find out and he has to make sure that they never will

"Tae we're here" He heard his father say to him so he turned off his phone losing it somewhere in his back pocket

Today was extremely hot the worst day to pick for moving

"Ah your here" wonwoo said to them he then hugged mingyu kissing him softly before he gave taehyung a hug as well smiling brightly at them

"Your just in time me and jungkook just finished changing things around but taehyung your room is getting fixed so would you mind sharing with kookie until it's finished?" He wanted to cry he knew nothing good could come out of something like this

It never did in the stories he read

"Not at all" He said with a fake smile knowing that if he caused a scene his father would get upset with him

"Good jungkook! get out here and help your brother with his stuff" Ugh brother hearing that word made him cringe internally

Something inside of him refused it he didn't want that either tae wanted something else however he didn't know what that something was

Kook came outside shirtless dark hair messy and all over the place his body glistened from what looked like sweat

Taehyung was wrong about his physique it was beautiful no scratch that unreal but he won't ever say that out loud he would rather die then say those words to jungkook face to face "quit staring dingus and get to moving we don't have all day"

Never mind everything to tae about that fuck face was ugly for sure

it was just early,

Too early for him to be woke that's why he thought that nonsense a minute ago "shut it! I'm coming weakling"

Today is going to be a long day


He was right it took forever for them to put everything up in the right places especially since his room was getting fixed on and jungkook kept slacking while making sexual innuendos

The brunette swore he was about to explode beating the living hell out of him but he couldn't his dad was watching his every move smiling at them saying how happy he was about them bonding

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