When You Miss Me (A)

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Ok so like um hi everyone i have something very important to say

STAN PH1 HARMONY (only if you want to lol)

But for real im literally obsessed with siren by them and butterfly they are really good guys i swear you wont be disappointed

Another thing im sorry about me not updating i just be in another world sometimes or i be busy but I promise loves that ill soon publish the stories you asked for

So have a nice day or night and i purple you guys✨

P.s this oneshot may be a little short but i wanted it to be like a memoir or something and its kind of sad so dont read unless you want to get into your titties other than that enjoy




Its been a month since taehyung lost his husband to a bad plane accident

Its hard sometimes he never wants to leave his bed or wake up at all half of the time he wonders why wasn't it him or why did something unfortunate have to happen to him so fast

But what really haunts him the most is that he didn't get a chance to say goodbye

"Tae honey are you okay? You sure your up to this because we can take a break if you'd like" hoseok said to him worried that if they look at anymore pictures from the past tae would break down again

"I-im fine I'll go check the attic for more stuff make yourself at home ok hyung" he said getting up going to the big hallway by the kitchen

After he lost his love staying in the house by himself brought pain instead of happiness so he felt that it was best to put it up for sale even if he was somewhat regretting that decision

There were many things collecting dust up there some even had him thinking of the memories that came along with them like the first couch they've brought together when they moved in after college and the christmas decorations that they never really had time to put up since they were both so busy with work

Tae hated the situation that he was in right now with all the anger that built up inside of him

The sadness and depression that fucked with his head he just didn't want anyone to feel sad or pity him


Tae wanted things to be as normal as possible yet how could they when normal disappeared along with him making everything so fucked up

Moving the sofa tae finds a small box glittery box with the cursive initials JK carved into it

It was filled with all type of things like the pictures they took in a picture booth on their first date he even found a letter that came with it reading it aloud

Dear the sweetest boy in the world,

I cant believe that im really going on a date with you i was so sure that you would refuse my confession that i was ready to switch schools but surprisingly you said yes

I was so nervous that before i came to get you i ended up getting explosive diarrhea (don't laugh i was scared that i would shit myself when I caught a glimpse of you)

Our date was a blast from the past

Maybe one of the best days of my life but how can i say that when i have yet to spend the rest of it with you

Taekook Oneshots Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now