All To Me (A)

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So just to warn you this story has triggering things like abuse in it, if it makes you feel uncomfortable you can skip and another thing a lot of you been fussing about who is top and who isn't personally im fine with switch but from now on i will include it however im not editing existing chapters because im lazy without enough time for that

P.s i know i have other shit to write parts to but they're coming soon i just gotta stop procrastinating plus im a little sick eating bad sushi really fucks you up so enjoy this little story until ok i purple you guys 💜

Top: Tae

Bottom: Kookie

Words: 1413


Desire, want, inclination

These words have different definitions yet same meaning and i learned in these past few weeks exactly what they meant

How anxious one could feel for another's touch which was forbidden

Like when you want what's best for someone who doesn't even belong to you but if they did the world would change around you in so many ways

For bad or the worst who knows

That you would give them everything maybe even your last breath if you could

If only they let you

Another thing i learned was that loyalty was no fool to love like fools gold it may be pretty but it has no real value

Many years ago i fell in love and it wasn't the type of love to really be proud of because the man i desired was married to another

I remember the first day i moved next to the couple i was nineteen straight out of my parents house into my own for university my major was marketing which was never really a dream of mine yet it was what my parents would approve of

Later that night i went onto the balcony for a quick smoke feeling a bit home sick wondering if i was doing the right thing hell sometimes i wondered if I should've went to art school instead

Pulling me out of my thoughts i hear a loud commotion next door it sounded like my neighbors were fighting and after it cooled down a slender man walked past his sliding doors onto the balcony next to me

He had wavy brown curls that covered his face a bit however what caught my attention was the fact that he was crying plus the purple bruises scattered all over his arm

Putting out the cigarette in my hand i sigh a normal person would mind their business maybe even quietly sneak back into their flat yet i was anything but normal so i said something to take his mind off of whatever just happened "how do you get clean in outer space" i muttered but he wiped his face turning to me

"What?" His deep voice ranged into my ears like a sweet song but i had to finish the joke so after I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck i repeated myself "h-how do you get clean in outer space"

For a second he stands there looking as if he was trying to solve my little riddle "I don't know? That's a really odd question how do you"

"You take a meteor shower" i expected him to look at me weird i mean that was really lame and not my best work besides I could've said something better yet instead he laughs like i said the funniest thing he's ever heard

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