When You Left (A)

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So this will be short like a poem kinda like tae stumbled upon a letter jungkook wrote however it never got to him something like that and maybe i might write a part two if you guys ask for one but there will be no smut so i wont include whose top or bottom if that bothers you then just skip this please

P.s sorry if this is a bit sad but I can't help it lol i love sad stuff it gives stories structure/ character and another thing this may be a little boring i tried to make it good but like reading it over and over again as i edit it kinda fucks my head up so just ignore any errors or kindly alert me for some that are present

I almost forgot is it me or is deja vu along with eternal sunshine bops? (plus firework and many other songs by them) like i never listened to their music before and i have to say i'm invested now so others that haven't graced themselves with ateez check em out (only if you want) 

Hold it on a second thought again i almost forgot about txt too because they also came out with some good ass music (so did nct and seventeen) as well like lately everybody is having back to back comebacks so it's hard for me to keep up since i stan so many groups but yeah if you haven't already gave them a try then go ahead (only if you want no pressure) you wont be disappointed i promise you that

Lmaoo i'm talking too much today enjoy the story my pretties i purple you guys💜

Words: 934


Dear taehyung,

When you left i realized just how much I needed you more than words could say or explain

That i was completely utterly clueless without your light guiding me in the darkness which swallowed me up bringing out all of my ugly insecurities followed by debilitating anxiety

Blinding me

When you left i lost a part of me that could never be whole again as that fragment of me sunken into a caliginous abyss of pain filled with deep regret

However I wont ever regret loving you

After you left at night i lye awake listening to my dying heart beat that wails from the suffering you've caused

Besides i don't blame you for leaving

We were falling out of love as we grew older somehow apart wanting different futures for ourselves going down separate roads to who knows where

I just wished you never left me

I wish i could see your smile one last time as you tell me you love me like you always did

I wish you could hold me maybe assure me that I shouldn't have any worries because you were gonna save me from all the evils in this cruel society that we were born into

You were supposed to protect me as i back to you but I didn't grant you all that you wanted nor needed

I gave you what you've came to hate as you gaze impassively at a face that only brought upon an unbreakable endurance of shame

I took us for granted, mainly you

Mostly with your wide range of ambitions and dreams

I took our love for granted being selfish however you said no more fed up with all the bullshit that came along with the hardships of loving someone like me

For some time i stand by the front door waiting for you to come back,

Hoping that you could come back,

Please come back to me

Sorry i sound so hopeless but how can i not be desperate when you were-

No you are possibly everything to me

My life,

My love,

My universe

So do i have to say goodbye?

Do i have to watch you walk away while i stand there unattended facing my devastating defeat

I ask myself that a lot these days clinging onto the past stuck with all the old scattered memories we made together

Scared to approach my own maturity,

Terrified to become a real adult,

Afraid to give this up

I know these words seem like a cry for help but no really its not I respect what you've chosen and i don't want to sway you in any way it's just how could i ever forget someone as wonderful as you?

How could i ever love again?

Then i start to think have you forgotten about me already?

Was getting over what we had that easy for you because right now it's killing me slowly yet hardly how lonely i feel without you

Again ignore my words if anything erase everything i said from your head i was just expressing what i felt at the moment if you ever get a hold of this just rip it up after maybe burn it please

Whatever is fine I don't mind at all

I was stupid for writing this in this first place settling with the overwhelming vulnerability that washed over me so thank you for pausing your wonderful life for one small second to hear my pleas somewhat begs for you to stay

I'll never not love you even if you don't feel the same

Especially if you don't want me anymore like you do now

Definitely if you feel all alone in this big world surrounding you i wont ever leave you by yourself no matter what

Forever and furthermore taehyung you have a special place in my heart that'll never fade

   -No Longer Mines But Always Yours,

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