My Confession Pt2 (A)

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Words: 965


"Jungkook you depressed crackhead are you sure your up to this i mean your a total shy bear that chokes up when anyone approaches you hell you cant even give eye contact" hoseok said to me worriedly

He was right i was shyer than a rolly polly when girls surrounded me i would literally scream in fear and don't get me started on hot guys

"When you first met tae all you did was stare with a wide open mouth I don't think your ready at all"

"ready for what?" Taehyung said next sitting with us instantly my eyes follow him admiring his beauty

"Kookies going to confess to the guy he loves today" i slapped the back of hoseoks neck to quieten him annoyed with his little giggles but what really caught my attention was the angry scowl that made it's way to taehyungs face

"Wait what?! You like boys kooks i-i thought you were straight, who is this bastard im gonna choke him" he said as he took off his gucci earrings i hate that i was happy he said that

But why did he think i was straight

"Are you kidding jungkook loves dick im su-"

"Hobi walk away now" hoseok laughed getting the message

"Screw you i have art anyways and i hope you get the guy you always wanted since you keep crying over him crushing on someone else" after he said that i jumped at him making him giggle and run off

Now it was me and tae alone i swear my heart was beating out of my chest

"What does he mean your crush likes someone else?! How when your literally sex on legs im really going to kick this dude ass" he growled and i laughed it was cute that he cared yet i hated how oblivious he was

"You can't it would be impossible"

"What is he huge? Because all i know is go for the ankles first then the face the tall ones always fall when they get leg pain" he said dramatically

"You can't fight yourself" after i said that he stopped rambling we both paused in silence taehyung took forever to process what i said and when he did he stared at me in disbelief

"K-kookie i-" he spoke I didn't expect a good answer i always prepared myself for the worst no matter what but this was all way too much

I should've just kept my lips shut

"Hey tae you free this friday" jaebum came to the table licking his lips making taehyung swoon like he always did goofy smile adorning his face

I guess there was no room to talk when I already knew his answer loud and clear "im gonna go you two can talk or whatever" i got up practically speed walking away from them

I ignored his loud calls out for me telling myself that it was for the best that i keep my distance now that everything will be weird between us

I would hate myself if he witnessed me crying over something so dumb like that because now i was bawling somewhat ugly crying the tears i could no longer control

Fuck i hated when i got like this

Immediately i close myself into the music room to catch my breath and recollect myself taking my glasses off

I didn't really need them but i still wore them because i thought that they would make me look like a genius

"Are you okay" a deep voice calls out to me from behind making me tense up like i said i was never really good with meeting new people

"My dog just died" i said sarcastically and he frowned scratching the nape of his neck face turning bright red

"I-im so sorry im sure he was a beautiful dog d-do you need a hug" he got a bit closer and i lost it laughing hysterically at his cute reaction

"Im just kidding chill out, im crying because i was rejected which is silly when i knew this was going to happen maybe im just hurt because i really got to hear it for real this time" I sniffled ready to wipe my face with my sleeve yet the strange boy beat me to it

He sacrificed his sleeve for me eyebrows furrowing in what seemed disappointment "my grandma always told me theres no use in crying over spilled milk you clean it up and go to the market to buy more" he smiled it felt a bit warm actually

I smiled back as well but i still didn't know his name "i-im jungkook" i said shakily scared that maybe he was only comforting me and didn't care to get to know me yet he grabbed my hand shaking it aggressively smile turning into a big grin

"Im yejun nice to meet you jungkook im happy i could stop your tears but are you sure your okay?"

"A-absolutely" i teared up thinking about the situation again but he hugged me weirdly i hugged back not really use to skin to skin contact unless it was taehyung

Thinking maybe this felt nice

"How about i get your number so we can talk more I can't just let you be sad all day" he said almost a whisper making me smile once again

That's when i knew something could happen between us and now i could finally be the friend to taehyung i always wanted to be

So thus far we became really good friends when i was set to make him my future boyfriend

Even though in reality he would be nothing but a distraction knowing I'll feel guilty in the end for using him

"I-Id like that yejun"

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