Assassins Love (A)

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Jungkook just be careful alright last time you came out with wounds all over your body you could barley walk" hoseok said as he hugged the youngest boy of his little establishment he was scared shitless

Don't get him wrong jungkook was his top assassin he could kill a man with a spoon and a straw

Now that's talent yet he didn't want to loose the boy he was like the son he always wanted but didn't have

"He's right Kookie if your gone who's going to buy and eat lamb skewers with me plus namjoon is boring" yoongi said
typing away on his laptop he might not show it but he really loves the boy and would kill anyone who would touch him so would namjoon

They all practically raised him

"I will be fine I wont do anything crazy like last time so stop worrying moms now will you excuse me I have a weak ass mission to finish" jungkook said while walking away to his car driving to the club he had to go to

When Jungkook got there he got out of his car gearing up for what was about to happen to be honest he didnt feel like killing

He'd rather be at home eating ramen while catching up on tokyo ghoul but hobi said that this job was important so he had to do it whether he liked it or not

It seems that hoseok made a deal with a Japanese woman named Mrs. Aihara and she didnt follow through on her part of the deal fucking up business on his side

If business is fucked up then junkook cant get paid and he doesn't likes when people fucks with his money

"Alrighty kookie there's a couple of security guards on the first floor once you hit the second floor watch out for traps and the rest of the security guards mrs aihara will be on the third floor dont kill her until we give you the say so" yoongi said into his earpiece junkook nodded as he took his pistols off safety

"Alright hyung I'll be quick when i get home i want lamb skewers for dinner" yoongi chuckled saying yes sir

He then grabbed a couple of daggers extra ammo and silencers out of his special bag of big boy toys smiling like a maniac while putting his pistols in his gun holster

"time to go kill" he said excitedly as he put on his bunny mask, to him killing was like a drug he was addicted to it

It was like his everyday fix if he couldn't do it once in a while he'll lose his mind it actually helps him relax

Jungkook has been through a lot of shit so he had to let his pain and anger out on something one way or another

Before he walked in he looked at the big sign on top of the building "who the hell would name a strip club boobie bungalow it should be called titty twister" he laughed yet getting serious as he walked into the building

He spotted the guards out counting how much men he had to kill to get to the next floor it was only fifteen

That's easy enough for him

He then stood on top of a desk shouting to get their attention "Listen up those who wish to see their family's and value their life's leave now and those who want to die being brave heroes stay i could use a little fun"

He cocked his gun back three ran off as the others stayed and laughed at jungkook taking him as a joke because of his mask others laughing at the men who left

They were smart cowards though

He then shot one of the security guards in the throat with no hesitance swiftly killing him slowly as he drowned in a pool of his own blood

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