Watch Me (M)

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Words: 1036

There isn't cheeky bums secks but its gets a bit spicy so be cautious

I almost forgot tae isnt a girl in this he just crossdresses and another thing I'll update the other stories in this eventually but for now im just writing what comes to mind so please bare with me

Now carry on loves 💜


Im not an attention seeker but there is something i have to confess

I like to dress up

To get real pretty as men watch me eyes fascinated by me

It turns me on

I feel superior especially when they obsess over me yet theres one boy who changed that

He came along and now the only gaze i craved for was his

I know im a pervert

Liking something like this is very abnormal but i can't help it i was raised in a house full of women who introduced me to cute things and pretty make up

"Taehyung your going to kill it tonight you look beautiful as always" jin said as I finished dolling up my face

I worked part time at a bar called bts i was the reason this place would flood with customers

They all knew me as v

The beautiful bar princess who seemed too feminine to even be a guy "your just flattering me like always but you know if you keep complementing me namjoon hyung will get sulky" he laughed handing me my special item

The light brown wig that threw it all together

After i was finished as usual i came from behind the shingled curtain exhilarated with the gasps and sounds of anxiousness that came from all the men around me

Slowly yet dramatically i strut to the bar ordering the drink I always do sipping it but something distracts me

A stare that made my skin crawl tingle even but In a good way

"V-v your so sexy tonight i love that little dress on you babe" some random guy catches my attention but still that eerie feeling wouldn't leave me

Then i look in the corner and there he was gaze never once faltering if anything as we made eye contact everything felt extremely intense

Especially the mysterious lust that bubbled up inside of me out of the blue

The random guy at the bar tilts my chin towards his face hands going up my thigh but hell i could care less when the raven haired boy was watching me

I couldn't help but feel greedy wanting him to watch me even more

So i fed into it smirking when he clenches his fist

I nibble on the other guys ear still uninterested deep inside "im happy you like my dress i wore it just for you, I wonder do you want to take it off me i know you want to" I whispered getting him riled up

Something I always did to my fanboys

"R-really" the unattractive guy stutters yet i get lost staring into the other boys eyes

Fuck just watching him bite his bottom lips made me lose my composure i wanted him so badly when I didn't even know him

"I-I'll be back" i hurriedly got up ignoring the worried stares i got from jin and the yells from the guy

I needed to get to the bathroom to release myself or i was going to flip out

Running into the bathroom i drop the tight silk panties i had on sitting on top of the sink it's a good thing i lock the door before i walked in

Was what i thought before he walked in after

"Someone bailed so quickly i was enjoying the show so why did you stop?" he said with a playful smirk "what? was he not enough for you or were you playing the game to get a bigger prize"

Just hearing his voice made me tremble but what made my knees weak was how he kept devouring me over and over again with those hungry eyes "tell me your name" i said barely a whisper

Out of all the things i could've said i ended up saying that first what a idiot

The raven haired boy smiled getting closer to me slotting himself between my legs "it's jungkook but remember it because that'll be the only thing you'll scream for the rest of this night"

If this was someone else i would mock them and tell them to go fuck themselves or get on with it but when it came to this delicious stranger I didn't want any of this to end

Instantly i wrap my arms around his neck tasting the bitter liquid of alcohol on his tongue thighs shaking at the gentle touch I received from his calloused finger tips

My mind was fuzzy almost going blank at some point but this wasn't enough being the spoiled boy i was i so desperately needed more than just a small kiss

Pushing him back i drop to my knees unbuckling his belt "when you give me that look in those eyes i cant help but get so excited"

He smirked once more hand reaching down to cup my chin "then I'll watch you as long as you want"

I shivered because this is what i desired the stares of other men but I couldn't help but think about how different jungkook was from everyone else

I was ready to pull down his pants but all that was interrupted when he got a important call to his phone

"Damnit i guess i have yet to make you scream" he said in frustration ready to leave me there but before he could he kissed me passionately "until next time v"

I hated that he said my nickname i wanted him to call me by my name but as you see we didn't have much time

I stared as he walked out and as i sat on the unsanitary bathroom floor i started to rethink my life choices

I didn't regret jungkook at all

In the end i came with the conclusion that i had to make him mine no matter the costs

Because no one could watch me the way he did

Taekook Oneshots Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now