That's Just Us (A)

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Words: 872

Ok so this is a bit short but i promise in the future it gets longer

P.s i purple you guys💜


I never meant to fall so hard but that was pretty hard to resist when i was banned all human contact

Yet he wouldn't ignore those rules

He acknowledged me when he didn't have to

I hated being sick

When your like that everyone looks like you like a germ or some type of sad charity case

That they have to feel pity for you when all you really want is to be treated like a normal person

But what was normal?

I liked to think that i was beyond that stupid word

I liked to think the one i love loves me back and that I wasn't sick anymore

Better than ever

That we could run off into the sunset on a trusty steed with a happy fairy tale ending

Yet that wasn't us

No me and taehyung were far from that

He was more like my caregiver/bestie while i was the useless waste of space that depended on him when I didn't want to

But for some reason he didn't mind

He'd rather waste his time with me instead on anyone else

I guess that's just us

"Jungkook?! Where are you" his deep voice rang in my head pulling me out of my depressing thoughts i climbed off of the window sill going to the living room where he was

Never once have i thought someone was so beautiful until i met him neither did i have much interest in love but he changed me "your shirtless again?! what did i tell you about sitting by that cold window you could get sick again"

I don't get why he cared when my own family shunned me like i was a dirty scandal even my friends dropped me when I couldn't party anymore "but im already sick what damage could a window do that's not already done"

He threw off his coat frowning and it pained me that i made him worry like this

As usual he came to me taking my temperature smiling when it wasn't a fever "yah go put on a shirt I'll make dinner for us okay"

I nodded running back to my room putting on one of my button up shirts leaving the buttons open i slowly walked back to the kitchen smiling at taehyung happily cutting vegetables

So I slowly crept up on him from behind catching him off guard "what's on the menu today chef taehyung" he smiled turning back to me

"A nice chicken noodle soup that's been passed down in my family for ages and for dessert we'll have apple pie surprise " i loved when he would make those dishes they were my favorite especially since he put so much love into it

"You spoil me too much you know that if you keep that up and I'll never stop being so attached to you" he smiled cheeks turning red it was always so fun to tease him

"Good because I don't want you going anywhere now cut up those apples for me"

After dinner and dessert was finish we ate together but this time the air around us seemed so different "what's wrong tiger your not telling me about your day like you usually do did something bad happen?"

He frowned somewhat restless but i knew what he was about to say was nonsense related to my family "y-your parents came to my job today and they told me some things about your surgery why did you turn it down?!"

I knew it had something to do with them they always take any opportunity to ruin my life yet why now im happy with the way things are "im done I'll go wash the dishes"

Taehyung turned me towards him "answer me! Stop ignoring me when it comes to serious shit like this y-you could've been fixed yet you gave it up and its all my fault" tears cascaded down his cheeks

"S-stop hyung" i said barely a whisper

Of course it made my heart break but it was true i stopped the surgery to be with him i came to terms that if i could live the rest of my days I'd rather spend them with tae my beloved i don't want to get some stupid heart transplant and then i die without him knowing he meant more than the world to me

It would all be for nothing

"Tae don't say that it's not your faul-" taehyung frowned pushing me softly not to hurt me but i could tell there was a lot of anger that came with it

"Then why?!" He yelled "tell me why you stopped the surgery jungkook!"

"Because im in fucking love with you!" I yelled back chest feeling as if it was about to explode

Finally i got to tell him how i really feel but the fucked up thing about that was i might not even live to get an answer

After i yelled i dropped to the ground vision going blurry

All i could hear was taehyung scream my name in terror

Ah shit

Taekook Oneshots Vol 3Where stories live. Discover now