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So to understand this you have to read part one and two of rivals in love this is just a side story of how the couple got together enjoy loves (no smut again sorry just haven't been in a smuttish mood)

Title: Why Cant You Love Me?

Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin

Words: 1186


Jimin chose to walk home from school even though it was getting dark and that it was about to rain he really needed to clear his mind he knew it was too good to be true but still deep inside of his heart he had a little bit of hope that yoongi loved him too

The rain was getting worse his house was too far from school but he could care less he wanted to forget that humiliating lunchroom scene since it keeps repeating in his head like a scratched record

What was wrong with him?

Was he not good enough or was he really just too dumb for the blonde haired boy maybe it was both but still he always hoped yoongi could overlook their differences "hey sweetheart what are you doing all alone out here"

"Yeah baby you should let us take you home" a group of men said to him but he ignored them walking much faster

They followed him starting to scare him this wasn't the first time men would do this to him some would kindly fuck off as others wouldn't "no I'm fine please leave me alone" he said softly not trying to anger any of them

"Come on baby we can show you a good time" one man grabbed him by the wrist trying to kiss his cheek jimin tried to pull away but the man wouldn't let him go so he punched him making him back away

"You stupid bitch I'll make you pay for that" jimin ran as fast as he could with the men chasing after him hot on his trail


Could this day get any worse?!

He tried to lose some of them but they were just too fast next thing you know he ended up at a dead end stuck in a alley "yeah we have you now there's no where else to run pretty"

He scrunched up in fear waiting for them to do anything to him but it never happened when he opened his eyes all of them were on the ground in pain as yoongi stood over them chest heaving

He looked scary but jimin was thankful even though he broke his heart he still needed someone to save him

"Hey you ok" yoongi said to him crouching down to his level all jimin could do was cry if he would've never got there he probably would be dead by now or beaten and raped

"Did they hurt you because I swear if they did I will kill all of them with my bare fucking hands" yoongi said raspy voice filled with rage he was really pissed now ready to end them all but before he could stand up minnie grabbed his wrist shaking his head no "I-I'm fine please don't hurt them anymore you did enough"

He nodded all of his anger left him when he heard the younger boys soft sweet voice he didn't know what he would do if they hurt his baby "can you stand or are you still scared jimin"

Jimin blushed trying to stand but he twisted his ankle when he fell so yoongi scooped him up in his arms bringing him to his car sitting him gently into the front seat "what were you thinking walking out here alone like that look at you your too delicate to just be out in the streets alone" he said driving towards his house

He didn't hear anything but the word delicate which made his heart swell yoongi thinks I'm delicate was all he could think about "I-I needed to clear my head I didn't know I would be chased"

"Next time get jin or taehyung to go with you" jimin was confused why did he care so much if yoongi said he wasn't interested in him what did all of this mean

"I thought you said you weren't interested why do you care so much If your not?" He asked out of curiosity wanting to know the truth

The blonde haired boy kept silent ignoring the question still driving which only made him mad "answer me I want to know what's going on yoongi do you care about me or not?!"

"I don't" he said without even looking at him

"Tell me you hate me! come on say it tell me that you hate me so I can get over you! call me names so I can move on and love someone else instead of wasting my time on you, you selfish dick!" Yoongi stopped the car staring at him eyes filled with all types of emotions

"P-please say it I'm tired of this one sided love come on tell me you hate me" jimin said making him sigh

"Fine you want me to say it" he nodded closing his eyes ready to hear it all jimin was ready to let go of his complicated feelings

"I fucking love you jimin, I love your voice and how soft it is or how it makes me feel at ease when I hear it, I love how you say my name it's sounds so different when it comes from your lips rolling off your tongue, I love how beautiful you are I could just stare at you all day if I would maybe even take all the pictures i could if you'd let me, I love everything about you I never hated you so there! that's how I really feel about you" jimin's heart stopped

Yoongi loved him back and it was just too much to hear at the moment

Jimin didn't really believe it he just thought that the boy was just saying it to make him feel better like he pities him

"You liar you never loved me your just saying that unlock the door so I-" yoongi kissed him pulling his much smaller frame onto his lap holding onto his waist and of course jimin kissed back as tears started to trickle down his cheeks "I would never lie to you yeah I said those hurtful things but because I was scared to hurt you minnie I'm scared that one day you'll just up and leave me when you realize I'm no good, that I'm useless I just don't understand how you could love someone like me"

Jimin chuckled kissing his cheek "no bodies perfect hun I could care less about your imperfections I love you for you I don't know what the future will bring for us but all I know is that I be yours unconditionally no matter what"

The oldest of the two smiled hugging him letting his face rest into the crook of his neck he should've said something sooner if he knew that he would end up with a lap full of jimin

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