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On Friday, I walk up to my door and right as I'm about to unlock it, it swings open and a tall, brunette girl storms out. Her head hangs low, but I can still see the pink hue on her cheeks.

"Hey Kamryn," I say. She looks up at me and narrows her eyes before shoving past me towards the elevator. She doesn't bother replying to me.

"Josh was right, she is a bitch," I mumble to myself before stepping inside.

As soon as I'm inside, I'm jumped on by Josh. He pushes me against the wall and presses his lips to mine.

"Hello to you too," I say with a giggle. 

He kisses me again and guides me over to the couch, our lips never separating. I don't know that we're there until I feel myself fall down on top of Josh and he adjusts my legs so I'm sitting side saddle on his lap.

I pull away half-heartedly, not wanting to but knowing I have to. 

"We need to start getting ready for dinner with Rem."

"Do we have to go?" he asks, groaning.

"Yes," I tell him. "He wants to meet you and I promised him we'd be there."

"I just." Kiss. "Want it." Kiss. "To be." Kiss. "You and me." Kiss. "Tonight." Kiss.

I sigh. "We have every night to do that. Tonight, just for these next few hours, we're going to dinner with my boss." I stand up and somehow manage to pull Josh up with me. 

I drag him to our room and start pulling out clothes for him to change into. He does so as I hand him each item.

As I'm securing his blue tie around the collar of his black dress shirt, Josh looks down at me and asks, "You know I love you, right?"

I finish the knot and look into his eyes, squinting mine suspiciously. 

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," Josh replies calmly.

"Then what did someone else do?" I question.

"Why did someone have to do something for me to say I love you?" he shoots back.

"Because the way you said it sounded like you were trying to reassure me in case something happened to make me doubt it," I answer.

"Nothing happened and even if something did, I would still love you." Josh leans down and drapes his arms around my waist. Man does that tie bring out the color in his eyes.

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