twenty one

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I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time

It's three o'clock on Wednesday morning and the four of us in the apartment are on our third pot of coffee and while Josh and Kamryn are still going strong due to the enormous amount of caffeine in their systems, Zack is done for the night. 

Zack is sleeping while sitting up straight on the opposite end of the couch from Josh, just like I said he would be. I offered him the spare bedroom for the night, but he assured me that he was not going to fall asleep.

As for me, I'm curled up on Josh's lap being instructed not to look at Kamryn's laptop screen. Josh insists that this movie be a surprise for me and it's really ticking me off. I just want to know the name of it at least! I let him look at the pieces I'm presenting for the Showcase but he won't even give me the title.

My eyes keep shutting as I attempt to force them to stay open. I've been fighting sleep for two hours and so far, it's winning. I refuse to let it beat me though and I'll stay awake as long as I possibly can. And even if I do fall asleep, it'll be out here.

"Chlo, go to bed," Josh coos as my eyes once again droop closed.

"I'm not, I'm not tired," I say but I sound silly even to myself. My words are mumbled to the point where I'd be surprised if anyone actually understood what I'm saying.

"You don't have to stay awake with us," he reminds me. Maybe he did know what I said? I don't know. His response could be the same either way.

"I-I want to," I begin, but as I continue on with that simple sentence, slumber begins to take over once again and my words are lost in the air.

"Come on," Josh says and I feel myself being lifted up from the couch.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling as I'm carried across the apartment. I can hear the bedroom door open and close behind us and then I feel myself sinking into the soft mattress of the bed we share.

"Lay with me for a little while?" I ask. Without any hesitation, I feel the weight of another body sink the mattress down a little farther on my side. Warm arms wrap around and soft lips press against mine.

I'm nearly asleep when Josh whispers that he loves me and tosses the comforter on top of me.
I love you too Josh.

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