twenty seven

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So I think that it's best if we both stay

Zack, Kendall, Josh, and I step inside the local movie theater that our school is renting out for the day to show all of the filmmaking department movies. We walk down one of the long hallways, passing by around a dozen theaters that have a movie poster outside of them, advertising whatever student film is showing. 

We finally stop outside of one near the end of the row and on the bottom of the movie poster, Josh and Zack's names are in big print.

"Sleeping With a Friend," I read. That's the super secret title that I wasn't allowed to know? Weird.

The four of us stand inspecting the poster for a minute more, taking in the image of the blond boy and girl curled up in a messy bed together, before we finally go inside. 

The room is packed with every seat taken except for four in the very back row that have signs reading 'reserved for cast and crew' resting on them. We take the seats and wait anxiously for the lights to go out and the image to appear on screen.

When it finally begins, the plot seems familiar to me. The voice, who I'm assuming to be the main boy, is going through explaining the different types of drunks there are. 

He says that his friend Elizabeth is an emotional drunk and her boyfriend Nick is a violent one. His other friend, Kay, is a brave drunk and Dale, the voice speaking, is a flirty drunk.

It can't be. This cannot be our story.

But it has to be! Those characters have our middle names and our drunken descriptions and then a violent boyfriend named Nick. This has to be about those parties.

Josh looks over at me, smiling, to see if I've picked up on it yet. I still am refusing to believe that it's true but once the first real scene starts, I know it is.

"I'm throwing a graduation party tomorrow night here at 7:30 and I need you to help spread the word. It'll be the last party before everyone goes away for college and I want it to be epic. I'm going to be filming it too so I can make a movie out of it," Dale explains on the screen to the three other actors. 

Kay, Kendall, looks at him with starry eyes and instantly starts texting and Tweeting about his party to get the word out. Meanwhile Elizabeth and Nick are making out.

"This is about us?" I whisper to Josh. It comes out as a question but it really should just be a statement because I know it is.

"My teacher told the class to write a story that we'd want to tell everyone and relive over and over again. There's nothing I'd rather do just that with than the story of how I ended up with the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me," he says. 

I lace my fingers through his on the armrest separating us and place my head on his shoulder.

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