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The taxi cab pulls up in front of the restaurant we're meeting Chloe's gallery owner at and we run through the doors, trying to avoid the falling snow.

Once we're inside, Chloe hangs her coat on the door, revealing a long sleeved black dress. I take her hand in mine and watch as she gets up on her tip-toes to scan the seated tables for Rem. She must finally find him because I'm suddenly being jerked forward and dragged toward the back of the dining room, where a young man dressed impeccably in a suit sits. 

That can't be Rem, can it? An art gallery owner is supposed to be old and gray, but this guy is at most twenty four and at least our same age. He looks like freaking Zac Efron.

Zac Efron stands up when he sees the two of us and Chloe rushes over to him. He grabs her shoulders and holds her out in front of him, checking her out from head to toe, before kissing her on both cheeks. Chloe just laughs as if this is a normal thing that he does. Is it?

"You must be Josh," he says, sticking out his hand. Oh god he has an accent too. I take it and give it a shake before I slide into my seat next to Chloe.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you a little young to be an art gallery owner?" I ask Rem.

He laughs a single bark. 

"I'm not the owner. My dad owns the place and he wants me to take it over one day so he wanted to make sure I have good taste in art. He told me to find an artist I think should be featured in a sale exhibit so I went over to the school, found Chloe's portfolio, and instantly fell in love. Father did too so I guess I'm in a good position to take over when he retires back to England." I swear he just winked at Chloe. 

One does not simply wink at another guy's girlfriend right in front of him after saying he fell in love. You just don't do that.

Rem and Chloe explode into conversations chock-full of stories that I've never been told and jokes that I simply don't understand. They both laugh and smile and have a grand old time, while I just sit there and stab my food with my fork. I don't even remember actually eating anything, but my plate was empty when the waiter came and took it away.

"So Josh, you're making a movie for the showcase?" Rem asks out of the blue. This is the first time he or Chloe have tried to make a conversation with me this entire dinner.

"Uh-huh," I answer plainly. Chloe gives me a weird look but I don't even care at this point. It's been a bad day and all I want is to spend it with Chloe because she can always cheer me up, and here we are at dinner with some guy who has no shame in flirting with her right in front if me.

"Well can we get a few spoilers?" he tries.

"Oh, please. He won't even tell me the name of it," Chloe chimes in. There's a reason I haven't told her and it's because the movie is a gift to her. It's our story and I want it to surprise her along with everyone else in the audience.

"Well I'm looking forward to seeing it," he says.

"You're coming to the showcase?" I question.

"I graduated last year and they always send alumni still involved with the school tickets to go," Rem explains.

"Great," I mumble. The smile on Rem's face turns into a smirk because he knows he's getting under my skin. Chloe looks at me with disgust and then stands up.

"I think we need to go. Thank you so much for dinner Rem and I'll see you Sunday for the opening," Chloe says. I stand up too and grab Chloe's hand, but she drops mine instantly.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Josh."

"The pleasure is all mine."

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