twenty eight

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You took the time to memorize me

None of the movie surprises me as it does the rest of the audience because I've lived it. It's a part of my life on the screen and as everyone else gasps in shock or laughs or anything, I just sit there and take it all in. 

Josh and I could skip watching the movie all together and just make out like Zack and Kendall are doing, but I don't think either of us want to.

We both want to relive the craziest, best, worst night of our life and the night after it. I want to memorize it more than I already have. I want to memorize even the tiniest of details that may have slipped from my mind but I don't want to lose. I want everything that happened to be picture perfect in my memory forever.

When the film ends and the credits begin to roll, the audience bursts into applause. The cast and crew go up to the front of the theater where there are no seats and take a bow. 

At this point, the crowd in the room is going crazy. They're all cheering like crazy fangirls when they see One Direction and are jumping to their feet to give the students involved a standing ovation. Kendall and I are both on our feet, hugging each other and clapping at the same time.

Once everything has settled down, the people gathered inside the large theater begin streaming up the aisles and out into the hallway. Kendall and I stay at our seats, waiting for the two boys to come, but we find ourselves waiting for longer than we anticipated.

"Who are they talking to?" Kendall groans, looking down at the front of the room where Zack, Josh, and the three person production crew stand talking to a bald man in an impeccable suit.
I heave out a large sigh. 

"I don't know," I say.

When the two boys finally come legitimately running up to us, they have the biggest smiles on their faces. They reach us and Josh lifts me off my feet, spinning me around in the air.

"What's going on? Why are the two of you so happy?" I ask, once back on the ground.

"I guess it just makes us happy to think about how awesome the two of you are going to look on the red carpet," Josh says.

"What are you talking about?" Kendall questions.

"That douchey looking dude we were just talking to is some big time movie producer and he loved the movie. He wants to buy it and refilm it with big name actors and actresses but still use the same crew. He thinks it can make it big nationwide!" Zack explains.

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