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I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time

A few minutes later, Chloe comes darting out of our room, wearing one of my oversized t-shirts. She grabs her shirt off the ground in front of the TV and the comes over to the couch to get her bra.

"Looks like someone had a good morning, huh Chloe?" Zack asks, wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively. I snake my arm around her waist and pull her down onto my lap.

"I'd say so," she replies, giggling. I tilt her head towards mine and kiss her slowly and repeatedly.

"I love you," I murmur into her wheat colored hair.

"I love you too," she whispers before kissing me again. This time, the kiss intensifies. It grows faster and harder and I almost slip my hands under her shirt, but then I remember Zack is sitting right next to us.

"You guys are disgusting," he says jokingly. He shakes his head in disapproval but he can't keep the sarcastic grin from spreading across his cheeks.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure yesterday-" I begin, but Zack shushes me.

"Shut up! We don't talk about that until she gets here and then we can make fun of her until she storms out again," Zack explains.

"Oh, ew, not Kamryn. Please tell me it wasn't Kamryn!" Chloe begs. I know that she means it, but the way she says it makes it sound like she's joking. 

The way the three of us act together reminds me of Chloe, Kendall, and me back in Pittsburgh. I guess Zack is like the guy version of Kendall, which is why I keep telling him that they need to meet. Of course I won't be making out with Zack when I'm drunk like I did with Kendall.

"Sorry Chlo but it was Kamryn," Zack says and Chloe groans. "I don't have a girl waiting for me every night like Joshy over here does. I need to take advantage of the opportunities I'm given."

The front door opens after the three of us hear the fourth, and final, spare key twist in the lock. Kamryn and the two other members of her production crew, Jade and Brandon, walk in and make themselves at home on the couch. Chloe hops up and hides the clothes she came out to pick up under her shirt, handing me my shirt that I quickly toss over my head. 

She disappears into our bedroom and when she comes back out, she's in normal clothes rather than pajamas.

"So Kam, should we pick up where we left off yesterday?" Zack asks. He drapes his arm across her shoulders as she sets up her laptop on the coffee table in front of us, connecting it to Bluetooth so her screen appears on the TV screen.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbles, pulling up the playlist with options for the soundtrack. Once we finish up the music, we'll be done.

"Maybe I need to remind you then," he teases. He cups her face in his hands and moves in like he's going to kiss her. "Just kidding. Didn't want it last night when you crawled into my bed, don't want it today." Ouch.

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