chapter 9

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We walked up the stairs slowly kicking beer cans out the way. "This is so gross why are we here?" I asked.

"Look here comes carman and Harry." Neccie said looking at me. "Who cares Kaitlynn." I said tuning away. "Can we talk Anna?"she asked. I looked at her the said "yeah what's up?". "What's the matter with you you've been acting funny since we've been here."She said with I worried look in her eyes. "It's nothing to worry about Neccie." I said with the world's fakest smile. "Your lieing Anna tell me now." She said in all serious. I looked at her the pulled out my phone the went to the picture of Jack kissing mikayla and held it to her face.

We mad eye contact and I small tear came down her face I pulled her in for a hug because she need one right now. "Do you want to leave and go back to my house?" I asked I felt bad about this. She nodded her head on my shoulder.

I pulled her back I'll be back I'm going to go ask Naill if he could give us a ride.

I walked off leaving her standing there all by herself plus Harry and Carmen was gone. I knew he wasn't over her in away. As I was walking I felt men once again watching me but this time it was one. He walked up to me with beefy arms and scars all over he's hands and face. He had no hair on his head he was completely ugly.

"You must me Annamarie William wants to talk to you." He said showing yelleowed teeth. "Fuck off." I spat at him "Maybe I should take you home so we can have a little fun." Once he said that chills went down my spine. I slowly backed away till I found my self falling on a cold wet floor. I slowly get up the men walking closer to me.

I found my self pinned to the wall and big hands tight around my wrist. I was crying tears slowly running down my cheeks where was someone when you need them. I closed my eyes washing this all away till I heard someone yell.

"Joe! Get your drity fucking hands off my girlfriend before I kill you she's mine!" I heard a pissed off Harry yell from the other end of the hall.

The guy Joe turned around and walked to Harry and comparing Harry to this guy the odds where not in Harry's favor.

I seen Harry's back.s on his neck and his fist ready to punch at any moment and that's exactly what he did he had the guy on the ground punching him over and over in his face if I don't stop Harry could kill him. I ran over to Harry and pulled him off of Joe.

"Are you okay Anna?"he said a little less mad.

"Yeah I think so how come you didn't stop you could've killed him" I said a little scared of all of this. He walked up to me and looked me in the eyes and said "I'm protecting what's mine" he said pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back but I hugged him tighter then I ever did before. "Your okay now Anna okay there's nothing here to hurt you just know when your with me your always be protected." He said making me feel sure.

"I'm going to get liam to take you to take you home and I'll meet you there after the match." He told me giveing me a small kiss on the lips.

Hey guys sorry it took me so long the chapter isn't thats but together but its getting good to me. what do y'all think vote and comment please and thanks. And yeah the characters all over the place but good things are going to happen trust in believe.
- annalisha

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