|Chapter Four : The Selection|

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Hours pass into days and days into a full week. The next thing I know, I'm standing in front of the large black metal gates with the raven's head emblem in gold encrusted upon it.

I've entered these gates without notice enough times to know that the magnificient castle of Raveria stands proudly in it's all bronze and brown coloured glory behind those walls that blocks the view.

It feels different this time though.

My face is not covered with the black mask. I'm not wearing my usual assasin clothes. Or my cape or my hood.

Instead, I'm dressed in a demure, plain off-white coloured gown with olive green honey-locust leaf patterns drawn on it. My unruly, wavy brownish blonde locks are partitioned at the front to be tied down into half-braids letting the remaining length of my hair cascade down my back. I still have a dagger or two hidden underneath my flimsy clothing, but that's all.

I look girly, to say the least.

It's like I'm left in the open for hungry eyes to prey on. But all they could do is think of preying. Because if they tried, they'd know who the real predator is.

"May I know what is the purpose of your visit, Madame?" A guard stationed at the gate asks as I approach the only entryway into the castle.

He's seated inside a small glass cabin attached to the wall containing all the switches controlling the gates.

"I'm here for the guard selection." My tone remains neutral enough to not raise any suspicion.

One wrong step and I'd be handing by life on a silver platter.

"May I know your name?" The man inquires, his dainty red eyes turning to me.


"Kaitlyn Winchester." It feels so absurd saying my name out-loud when all these years I'd tried everything to keep it hidden.

Victor thought it'd be best if I stuck to my real name instead of any made-up one. According to him, the king of Ancientriova is too clever to not do a background check on all his to-be appointed guards. And the first thing he'd start with is the name.

We couldn't let him detect the smallest of lies. Even if it means handing him our death warrant.

Although, Victor doesn't realize that the biggest lie would be me pledging my oath to keep the king safe when it's the exact opposite I intend to do.

Maybe he never thought. Or maybe the oath to end Valerian burns so deep within Victor that no other life matters to him. Knowing leader—I decide with a gut wrenching feeling—it's probably the second one.

I still don't have a whiff on why leader despises the king with a ferocity never seen. A hatred as such isn't born, it is developed. There ought to be a reason for it.

My attention goes back to the guard focused on the notepad in his hand. He does a quick check through the papers with his bloodshot eyes before looking up at me,

"You're in time for the gate-opening, Miss Winchester. The other guards are waiting to be let in as well."

A single press to the second last switch and the massive gates open. I make my way towards it and not soon, many other well-built men and woman follow. They're all dressed in fine armory.

I haven't a clue why Victor would suggest my wearing a dress of all clothes.

Nevertheless, we head over to the wide-stretched grassland of the castle's back yards where commander Julian and lady commander Avyanna are waiting for us.

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