| Chapter Eighteen : The Ball |

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▪︎ Kaitlyn Winchester ▪︎

The sun settled in the sky as darker clouds marking the end of the bright afternoon and bringing the purplish hue of evening in it's wake loomed overhead.

It was time for the ball.

My eyes shifted to the box placed on my bed. After my shenanigan in the library, no one had bothered to disturb me. I feel like they were giving me space to get over whatever reason I myself had no clue about.

But during the entirety of the day with me sitting and staring at the walls, a castle maid had knocked on the door. When I had opened it, she had simply handed me a huge white box and left after saying it was from the king for me to wear to the ball.

Surprised, I had opened the box to indeed find a beautiful navy dress inside but the really low neckline and the sleevelessness of the dress had me raising a brow in question to no one in particular. That definitely didn't seem like Valerian's choice. Not that I know him that well but something told me he'd definitely not approve of this dress.

As if to answer my thoughts, my eyes had caught sight of the note placed underneath the dress. Upon taking it in my hand, it read,


Heyya Bestie!

The old king bought you a really boring dress and I thought that sexy figure of yours shouldn't be gone to waste just because of some barbarian king's possessiveness.

So I got you this lovely piece of art of a dress my mermaids stole from a renowned sailor merchant. They got one for me too, hehe. Girl, it's time you make a few heads turn and jaws drop. I can just imagine Valerian's reaction of steam pouring out of his ears. Ah, what a sight it would be! Serves him right for blackmailing into going with him for lack of candy suplies to the seas! I was planning on asking the hot merman in my army for the ball but got stuck with a no-good. Yikes T.T

Anyways, enjoy!

Yours truly


As bizarre the letter was, my brows had raised in amusement at the words engraved at the top.

Bestie? Since when?

But when my eyes caught the beautiful dress again, I'd pondered over whether to wear it or not for the rest of the day.

Now, as evening appeared and it was almost time for the party to begin, I finally decide on wearing the thing.

Either ways, it's not like I have any other party dress. And I kind of like the dress though. . .

Also, another thing that really peaked my interest was why Valerian would 'lose it' as Marilla phrased.

So, with the needed motivation, I take a bath and quickly get changed into the dress.

Walking in front of the mirror, I gawk at the reflection staring back at me. The dress fits me like a glove covering my body from chest down to my toes. The rich velvety navy colour blends in so well with my tan skin colour and brings out the blue in my eyes making them look vivid and vibrant.

I kind of look....sexy?

Grinning at my reflection like a maniac, I grab the makeup and the stilettos from the box too. I paint my eyelids to an outstretched wing with the kohl and apply the light peach gloss to my lips.

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