|Chapter Thirty-Four : Make Me Yours|

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*Mature content ahead in the chapter, you've been warned*



"Valerian." Kaitlyn eyes snaps upto mine as a lone tear trickles down her cheek, "Mate with me. Make me yours."

If I said my heart didn't flutter at her words, it would be a big fat lie. I could feel the organ hammer just at the thought of it. Heck, if it was upto me, I'd have long. . .okay, let's not think about it. But it wasn't just about me.

Pushing away all the distorted thoughts from my head, I gently hold her face wiping off the stray tear, "What happened, Kate?" I ask softly and carefully so as to not hurt her feelings in any form with my words.

Her glossy eyes stare up at me, "I want to mate with you. I don't want to be anyone else's, don't you get it?"

God, why did she have to go around saying things like that? She had no idea what it was doing to me.

Shaking my head through the haze, my gaze grows sterner, "That's not what you want, Kate."

"How would you know?" She asks equally stern as me.

I almost let out a groan before pulling her closer by hooking an arm around her waist. Her wide blue eyes stare into mine as I inch my face closer to hers, "Because I know you better than you think I do. I know something is bothering you and in the influence of whatever it is, you want to. . ."

"Mate with you." She completes making me gulp at the way just the thought sent a shiver down my body.

"Yeah, that. . ." I rest my forehead against hers, "Now will you tell me what happened or should I try to figure it out?"

Kaitlyn just stares before bringing her hands up to hold my face, "Promise me you won't be hurt." The stark concern in her tone makes my insides feel warm and goeey.

She's worried that whatever it is would hurt my feelings. She's worried for me. I could die happily in this moment.

"I promise, Kate." I nod in reply.

She looks at me for another minute as if contemplating whether she should tell me or not before letting out a defeated sigh,

"It's your uncle." She says staring up at me, "The mastermind behind Narcissa and the others. The real culprit. It's Keith Kingston. He wants to kill you and have me for himself. Your unc-"

I step back abruptly as her words slice through my heart, "You don't know what you're saying, Kaitlyn."

"I know, Val-"

"No." I shake my head, "No, you don't. That's my uncle you're speaking about. He'd never do such a thing."

"Do you think I'm lying? You don't believe me." Her voice wavered a bit but there was a slight tinge of disbelief in it which made my heart hurt more.

I held her face in my hands and shook my head, "I do believe you, Kate. With every inch of my being. But I think you're mistaken. Did you see his face?"

"No. He wore a mask." She says immediately, "But I know it's him. I'm certain it's him."

I took a step back, "No. He can't be." I shook my head vehemently as a buzzing ran through it.

I didn't know who I was trying to convince more. Her or myself. I trusted Kaitlyn as much as I trusted Uncle Keith.

I knew he'd never do anything as such. He didn't even have a reason to do it. He wasn't an evil man. He'd always done what's good for me. He'd given up his throne to my mother despite him having the chance to rule. He hadn't ever shown any greed for the kingdom. He'd always seen me as his own.

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