|Chapter Forty : The Unexpected Army|

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MY FOOTING WOBBLED when I returned back to the castle, mind running with the images of Kaitlyn's tear-strained face.

My own face wasn't any less but I had wiped them off before coming here, fearing Eleanor would see it or Marilla would and then question me on why I was shedding them.

It wasn't that I wanted to hide things from them, but they didn't have to know about the death looming over my head. The death I'd signed myself for. They'd go ballsack. They'd yell at me and if my step-mother so wished, she'd have me confined within my own castle during the war. Marilla would gladly help her. One could never trust what extent those two women would go to keep me from dying.

I didn't regret it though. Not one bit.

I couldn't imagine risking the lives growing inside her. Those two, a part of me and Kate.

A warm feeling surges into my heart at their thought. I could still feel the gentle heartbeat against my palm. Still smell their soft scents, a mixture of orchids and wild daisies. What would they look like? Would they be fierce like their mother? Or would they—

I stop. Not daring to think further as a gut wrenching feeling of grief engulfs me. I'll never know the answers to any of these. . .

The tears I'd wiped off just minutes ago blurrs my vision again but I shake my head against it. Atleast Kate would. Her knowing and being happy with them is more than enough for me. I bring my hands up to wipe the mist off my eyes but still on my action,

"So you were the one to go meet her and not the other way around?" A calm voice spoke.

My entire body grew alert at the feeling of a presence in the wide isolated hallway, hiding within the shadows, a few feet behind me.

I do not move but I do sense who it is. Quickly wiping away the tears in a way the person in the shades would not notice, I turn to the man.

Even in the darkness coating the corners, his tall figure could be seen leaning against the wall, hands folded above his chest. I used to think how much he resembled mother in the way he stood and spoke but now I truly knew, he was nothing like her.

Mother might be cruel in her ways, but she was never unjust. Never greedy. Never manipulative.

This man who I'd looked upto, who I'd loved more than my own father, was so much cruel. He'd used my mate. He'd used my children against me. For a reason he only knew.

I'd always thought he'd loved me like his own. But I was wrong. So wrong. Just like all the times I'd trusted the wrong people and ended up losing the ones close to me. I didn't even know why he'd done this. If it was for the crown, he could've had it long ago. I'd offered him the throne once but he'd refused.

"Why?" I ask, my voice barely recognizable. There was no anger or pain in it anymore, just plain defeat.

The figure straightens and not a second later, Uncle Keith is in front of me, teeth barring, "Because Prudence took what was mine."

"If it was about the throne, I would've given you. I can still give you if you promise to release their minds." If there was any hope I could get them out of this, I'd do it.

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