|Chapter Twelve : Attack In The Woods|

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Early the next morning, after having breakfast which Dulcamara metamorphed by mixing few of her many many potions, the demon coachman from yesterday had appeared with a new carriage.

Valerian is discussing with the fortune-seer witch, probably about whatever reason we came here for in the first place, while I waited outside the wooden cottage for him to finish his talk.

I sense the coachman's pair of pitch black orbs trained on me in curiosity like a hawk. When I had enough of his pry eyes, I turned to him with an icy look,

"You need something?" My voice laced in venom.

The coachman gulped and shook his head vehemently before casting his gazes down as a blush crept up his cheeks.

My brows raised a fraction at his behaviour but I shook my head dismissing it.

Just then, Valerian walked out the cottage with Dulcamara striding behind him. The ancient witch leaned against the doorframe while the king approached me.

"Let's go." He said to the coachman and I.

Nodding, I cast Dulcamara one last nod of acknowledgement before turning around.

"Nice meeting you, Queen." The witch's words makes me halt on my steps. Even Valerian's posture stiffens.

Queen. . .

I try to even my heartbeat at the name. Did she know. . .

"Oops. I mean, every woman is a queen at heart. I hope you don't mind me calling you that." She flashed me a bright smile when I turned to look her way.

I nod with a tight smile.

A hand on my lower back has me quipping my head so fast to the side that I'm surprised it didn't strain.

Valerian gives me a blank look, "Let's go." He says before glancing at Dulcamara over his shoulder.

His eyes narrow momentarily as the witch grins maddeningly at him, "Farewell, Amara."

This time, her eyes narrows, "Dulcamara. And farewell, princeling." With one last glare the king's way, she turns around and gets into her house shutting the door behind her so loud that for a moment, I thought it would break from it's frame.

"She hates it when someone calls her by her real name." Valerian explains as I see him try not to act coy.

I gaze at him questioningly, "Then why did you call her that?"

"To spite her, ofcourse." He said nonchalantly before ushering me forward.

* * *

Once we're back in the warm, closed confines of the carriage, I keep pondering over various things.

Why did I feel that pain yesterday? Today morning, I didn't feel anything. But then it might be due to Dulcamara's potion. She did say I'll be fine by morning.

Then there's this vague image, very blurry, where I think I saw Valerian with huge black wings. Did he also call me by my name?

Why's everything so foggy in my mind?!

"What's the matter?" Valerian asks from across me.

How does he always know when I'm thinking something?

"Why does Lady Dulcamara hate her real name? It's beautiful." I say instead.

Whenever I ask him something, he does reply no matter how vague the answer might be. Might as well fish out some information.

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