|Chapter Thirty-Eight : Truths and Traitors|

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Unprecented pain shot through my abdomen every once in a while reminding me of how Keith still had control over the minds of the lives growing inside of me.

He was doing it intentionally-hurting my babies to warn me, scare me, I don't know. But the feeling was terrifying.

By the time the third wave of pain shuddered my body, I was shaking.

I lean back against the headboard of my bed and rest my head over the lathered cushions marring it as a shaky whimper leaves my mouth.

Why? Why did it have to be like this?

Everytime I thought of loosing one of the two Keith had asked me to choose from, I feel my mind spiral with dread.

I bring my hand to rest it over the flatness of my stomach.

I didn't even know about them until a few hours ago and yet. . . yet the attachment I felt for them wasn't any less from the people I've known my entire life. If anything, it was more. So much more that I couldn't even think of letting their lives go.

And then there was the other person.


My mate.

Even the thought of not seeing his face as he smiled at me with that ever present warmth glinting through every feature or not being able to see his gentle eyes staring into mine wordlessly or not sensing those hands holding mine assuringly or those lips kissing me with the softness of a hundred feathers ever again sent a painful chill down my gut.

I. . . I couldn't loose him. I didn't want to loose him.

Somewhere in the deepest parts of my heart, I knew the exact reason why but accepting it, accepting those feelings would bring more pain than joy. It was too late now.

Despite the thousand rants I'd prepped myself with about how I should not give Keith the privilege of my tears, I couldn't for my greatest endurance, stop the lone salty drop trickling down my cheek.

I shut my eyes as another drop followed and then another and then another until I was a pathetic sobbing mess.

I could never choose between them. Never.

Shrouded in my own misery, I don't notice the movement outside my window or the heavy flapping of wings or the gentle footsteps approaching, until my face is cupped by large warm hands and is being lifted to meet green eyes staring down at me with the worry of the whole world glinting in them.

"Kate," His voice is soft yet worried as he runs his thumb over the planes of my cheek, "Why are you crying, love?"

And that was all it took for my resolute to break completely as I lurched into his arms, weeping my eyes out like a stubborn little child.

I don't know how he always gets here when I'm feeling low. I could've said the mating might've let him feel a part of my emotions. But that wasn't it. Even before we mated, he always was there for me at my dullest moments.

Valerian's whole form stilled for a moment but not a second later, his arms wrap around me, holding me close to him.

His hands carressed my hair softly as he dropped down comforting kisses to the top of my head.

"Kate, you're scaring me." His voice was shaky, almost as if he was on the verge of crying himself.

The realization makes me stop.

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