|Chapter Forty-Four : The God Of The Underworld|

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--------Third Person POV-------

Valerian's eyes accessed the demon prince, Zander Hellion, sitting in front of him munching onto the snacks splayed over the table carelessly.

Zander was very pleasing to the eyes, one could tell that with a single look. Afterall, the queen of the underworld was said to be a terrifying beauty and her son was but a spitting image of his mother. Those lean physique, high cheekbones, dark sooty lashes, everything screamed dark charms.

But his facial resemblance was where all the similarities between the queen and her son ended because Valerian could bet he hadn't seen another more infuriating man than Zander. Who spoke way too much for his liking. And wouldn't shut up for the love of everything holy.

"So what's the occasion, High King? Did someone steal your bride? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. I heard she's a beauty. And if the dumb mortals of Troy could fight over the Helen for like ten years, then why not you? But fair warning, mother and I and our not-so-proud-to-have army of demons do not wish to be part of any stupid goat-killing war." The prince's stormy grey eyes sweeps to Valerian as he pops a nut into his mouth, "I really like this stuff. We don't get such delicacies in the underworld." He gestures to the different dry fruits served to him.

Flicking another nut in the air and plopping it into his mouth, "Oh, but we do get them outside Ancientriova. You know, outside the protection veil in the other two major supernatural kingdoms, Veneton and Iris. We have a stone castle hidden in Iris too and father and I have a fake identity there as a werewolf Alpha and his son, moi ofcourse. Basically, they don't have a damn clue about the existence of lycans, demons, sirens, ravens and technically all the ancients. So we had to make ourselves unknown there. Veneton is the vampire kingdom and Iris is the werewolf kingdom and we chose Iris because—"

He was cut off by Valerian who passed the prince a blank look, "We'd wanted to meet Queen Annabeth."

"Mother can't get out of Helvon. So she sent me, her favorite handsome son here." Zander pointed to himself.

"You're her only son." Valerian thought necessary to remind him.

"Why you gotta wound me like this?" Zander groaned, as if in pain.

Valerian was strongly reminded of Marilla being this same level of annoying. The two would make a match made in hell. Ironic, how Zander indeed is from Hell.

Ignoring all the annoyance, Valerian jumped to the issue at hand, "I need her help."

Zander quipped his head to the side, "That's what I'm here to listen to, genius."

Valerian's fist clenched with irk but he let out a long sigh knowing he had no other choice than to bare the infuriating presence for now. For his child.

"I need her to stop someone's death." Valerian started, "My child's death."

"You want her to do what?" Zander's eyes shone with hilarity glinting in them.

"To stop my child's death, Zander Hellion." The raven king repeats, crossing his arms over his chest.

The laughter in the demon prince's eyes flies out the window as he gives the king a shocked look, "You can't be serious."

"I am."

"Man, don't tell me you disturbed my dutiless life in Helvon to demand this absurdity." Zander lifted his arms in the air dramatically.

Valerian's stare in return was cold and straight making the prince gulp at the danger lurking in them. He was not scared of the king but he wasn't very fond of his ass being handed to Hades earlier than his time either.

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