|Chapter Twenty-Seven : The Crow|

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By the time the fresh rays of sunlight peeked through the huge windows lighting up the ivory confines of my room, I was wide awake.

Sleep had been a foreign thing with me mulling over Valerian's words.

I'd rather you be on their side and kill me than be on my side and get yourself killed.

Why would he even want that? Why would he even say that? Had he lost his senses?

Letting out an annoyed sigh as I heard the click-clack sound of Narcissa's heels, I sit up on the bed fixing my bird's nest of a hair. Not a minute later, the lycan queen throws open the room's door in a dramatically aggressive way blessing me with her unwelcomed presence.

"What are you looking at? Get ready, we have a meeting today." Narcissa huffs in her shrilly voice as an array of maids entered the room holding a dress and what-not to wear along with it.

"We had a meeting just yesterday." I say getting up from the bed to head towards the bathroom.

"Not that kind of meeting. It's the one—" She clears her throat as if suddenly realizing we have company.

With a clap of the queen's hands, the maids saunter out of the room shutting the door behind them. Turning back to me with an annoyed look, "It's the one with the officials. The leader will be here today." She whispers looking everywhere in the room as if she's expecting someone to be eavesdropping.

Officials as in the official members included in the plan of killing Valerian—Darwin, Narcissa and Victor. But what peeks my interest is. . .

"Leader?" I raise a questioning brow.

"Leader? What Leader? I did not speak about any Leader. What are you saying?" Narcissa looks anywhere but me seeming ready to hit herself for the slip-up of her tongue.

This woman really has habit of spilling things she isn't supposed to, doesn't she? Well, good for me, I keep getting information from her.

"Fine, I did not hear about any leader, Narcissa." I mock-smile at her.

"It's Queen Narcissa, you ungrateful brat!"

Ignoring the woman, I walk into the bathroom to get ready for another meeting which I don't wish to attend at all.

The meetings in the past had been about Darwin and Narcissa complaining and back-biting over Valerian's rule over them because their oh-so-mighty ego couldn't take it to work under someone.

Apparently, all the four sub-kingdoms except Raveria have their own rulers to rule. But if there's a union crisis, then Valerian takes the initiative to guide them or give them commands whatsoever. And the egoistic rulers being themselves, can't simply take that. Hence their wish to end him.

For Victor, it's revenge. But for these two, it's plain greediness. I have yet to meet the third person helping Narcissa and know his/her motive.

I had initially thought it would be the demon queen's husband but in a recent conversation, I'd overheard Darwin saying how Elyptus wouldn't go against the demon queen's strict rule to not interfere in other royalties matter since he—so ardently—is afraid of her.

That left me with a few options. None of which seemed much solid. Which brings me back to the current day.

I'm hoping today would finally be the day I'd meet this person. Now after knowing this person could be the mastermind behind all this, has my spirits heating with more eagerness. I'd always thought Narcissa was too dumb to be the mastermind either ways. Guess I was right.

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