|Chapter Twenty-Eight : The Comforter|

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---------V A L E R I A N--------

I'd never seen Kaitlyn cry and I could swear she wasn't the type to shed a tear without a solid reason either.

But as her hands clutched the back of my shirt digging her face into the crook of my neck and as those slight controlled sniffles reached my ears, my heart shriveled.

I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her body closer to mine while the other carressed her head trying to provide any comfort if I could.

She didn't object. And I took it as my cue to let her drown her emotions out while my own clouded with unprecented worry.

I could see the shiver of my hands as I stroked her hair, I could feel my mind hyperventilating with the possibilities of what could have made her cry.

Is she hurt? Did someone find out she's my mate? Did they try to do something to her? Did they-

Before my thoughts could run down a hefty load of darkness, Kaitlyn pulled back, slowly and subtly.

Her eyes were downcast as she said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what got over me."

Tucking her hair behind her ears so that they weren't hindering the view of her face, "You don't have to give me any explanation, Kaitlyn. You can hug me all you want. Whenever you wish."

She just nodded in reply. When I was certain she wasn't going to speak herself,

"What happened?" I ask lifting her chin upwards so that she was looking at me.

"I don't know." She whispers not meeting my eyes yet, "I just felt something was wrong. Although nothing really happened."

My head tilted to the side as I noticed the uncertainty in her eyes. Those cerulean orbs looked slightly dazed and a confused expression marred each of her features.

It was strange how her expressions resembled the type of expression I've seen in some people after compulsing them. Those were a rare few with strong minds but there were people whose subconscious always knew something was missing.

Wiping the remnants of tears on her cheek with my thumb, "Can you tell me what you did the entire day? Maybe I can try to figure out what went wrong?"

This time, her blueish-grey eyes did seek mine, "You believe me?"

"Now, why wouldn't I?" I ask as my lips curved into a smile.

Kaitlyn just stared before speaking, "I woke up and then we had a....uhm....meeting? Or atleast we were supposed to but then Vi-" She pauses, "Someone told me to go rest. The meeting just got canceled since then and after that, the whole day I felt unsettled."

My brows furrowed at her words, "Meeting? Today?"

"It's the one with Narcissa and the other three-"

"Okay, I got it." I stopped her before she could tell me, "So whatever happened was during this meeting. Maybe it did happen and you don't remember?"

"How can I forget things like that? It doesn't make sense." Kaitlyn shook her head but suddenly her eyes bored into mine, "Unless you do it. But you technically can't compulse me. And there's no one else with the ability who can."

"Actually, there is." I pondered over the remnants of my mother's family.

"You're the only raven alive." She enunciated.

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