|Chapter Forty-Five : The Birth Of The Twins|

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▪︎ 1 week later ▪︎


My heart was an abyss of mess as I held Kate's hand while the midwives worked on her delivery.

Her eyes were shut in pain, her teeth bitting down on her lips to prevent a scream. My eyes softened ever so lightly as I scooted closer to her and kissed her forehead, "You'll get through this. I love you."

Her eyes fluttered open and I saw her pass me a weak smile, "That's assuring."

"Is it?" I scooted closer, my own lips pulling into a smile although my heart felt so numb and hollow.

I couldn't do it. . .I just couldn't tell her about Dulcamara's vision. . .I know Kate is strong but I don't want to see her cry. . .

"Val," Kate's voice snapped me out of my despair, "What's wrong? You've been really....down for the past week."

"I. . ." My voice drawled but before I could say anything, her eyes widened and she let out a loud yelp clutching my hand tighter.


I feel my brain go blank seeing the pain on her face. My heart thudded in my chest way too loudly as my eyes remained glued to her in panic. Sweat beads trickled down the side of her face that had gone red from screaming.

"He looks like he's about to pass out." Marilla's obnoxious voice was a faraway ring in my ears.

But my mind was too occupied to pay heed to her words. Kate's grip on my hand tightened as she let out another scream.

"Your highness, I need you to give a push." The doctor said to Kate, her voice buzzing in my head.

Kate's eyes flashed to mine. I just kept staring in a haze, suddenly feeling dizzy.

A warm hand clutched my shoulder, "Son, relax. She'll be fine." Eleanor assured but all I could do was panic to the point that the excitement was at the farthest now.

She'll be so hurt when the baby. . .

"Val," My gaze lingers on Kate's face as she looks my way despite trying her best not to scream, "Relax. I'll be fine. I need you right now."

That was all it took for me to snap out of my stupidity. We could think about everything later. Right now she needed me and I'll be there for her.

Nodding, I hold her hands to my heart and brush away the sweaty locks from her face, "I'll always be here for you, love."

She smiles and then when the doctor urges her to push again, she does so with all her might.

Not a second later, loud wailing of a child echoes in the room as the doctor holds out a tiny baby in her arms.

"It's the prince." She says, wrapping him in a blanket and passing him to the midwife standing beside her.

"Now the next one." She announces ready to pull out another baby and I see Kate whimper at the effort she needed to put all over again.

I caress her head softly, "You can do this, Kate."

She nods along with all her might and at that moment, I couldn't help but admire just how wonderful she is. How brave and smart she is. My lovely mate who I love with all I had. I know it'll be hard to bare the pain of what is to come, but I'll there for her. Just like how I'd given my vows to her on our wedding, through happiness and pain.

With a newfound determination, I rest my forehead against hers, "Push, love."

Her hands tighten around mine in a death grip but I couldn't care about anything as she took a deep breath and with one seemingly fast painful movement, she jerked from the bed.

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