|Chapter Forty-Three : The Drunk Queen And The Vision|

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Eight months later ▪︎


"Marilla, I'll kill you!" My voice hollers in the entirety of the castle as I chase the stupid siren in the hall.

"I swear I didn't give it to her! I bought the pixie brew for myself and she drank it accidentally! It's not my fault!" She jumped up on the sofa trying to escape out of my hands.

"She's pregnant, you stupid!" I growl tugging her arms and getting her down from the sofa.

"I know that, you dumb crow!" She growled back pulling her arms from my clutch with all the force in the world.

"Then why did you give it to her?!" My voice is murderous.

"I said I didn't give it to her!" She barred her sharp siren teeth in my face.

"Why are you both so noisy? You're giving me a headache." Kaitlyn's voice slurred as she sat slumped against the couch Marilla had climbed on just seconds ago.

My eyes softened seeing how her head kept lolling front and back because of the effect of the brew and she kept giggling now and then.

"Look, what you did to her." I glare at Marilla one last time before sauntering over to my wife.

We got married a month later after the war. We'd wanted to shift the date more ahead but Mellisa said it was better to hold the wedding then to bring back the happy air in the kingdoms after all the loss and gloomimess from the war.

Not many people had died from our side but it was still a loss and people had grieved over their loved ones. The wedding had really cheered them up a bit and we'd held a huge compensation for all of the families of the ones who'd died during the war.

"Val!" Kaitlyn giggles holding out her arms when I reach her, "Carry me."

I shake my head at the cute silly smile on her face and wound my arms around her waist pulling her to her feet, being carefully of her bump.

Bringing my hands below her knees and one around her waist, I scoop her up in my arms and walk towards my room all the while Marilla follows, staring at us like a creep.

"Go get yourself a prince or something and stop being a creep hounding us all the time." I pass the blue haired fish a look as we walk into my room.

Kaitlyn snuggles into my arms wounding her hands around my neck as I make my way to the bed.

"I don't need a prince 'cause I'm already a queen, babe." Marilla blows her nails dramatically.

"Don't ever call me that." I shudder in disgust.

That seems to catch her attention as she turns to me with an even creepier smile, "Babe! Babe! Babe!" She chants like two-year-old.

"Marilla, I swear if you-"

"Babe!" She screams on the top of her lungs.

A few of the guards wandering in the hallways glance at us but with a sharp look their way, they all go rushing away.

"Get out of my room this instant or I'll kill you with my bare hands." I warn, my voice deadly serious.

"Fine, meanie!" Marilla huffs, giving me the stink eye as she makes her way to the door.

Just as I think she's out, her blue head pops in through the creak, "Babe!" She shrieks one last time before running out of the face of earth shutting the door behind her.

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