|Chapter Thirty-Six : Shock And Death|

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Two weeks had passed without any trace of Keith.

With every passing day, we got a step closer to the mission of Valerian's assassination. Victor and I always maintained a neutral expression whenever Darwin and Narcissa would speak of killing Valerian like it was a cup of tea for them.

Before it was easy to ignore them but lately, I couldn't help my heart from shrivelling to the size of a pea at the mention of something happening to Valerian.

There were moments when they'd speak of some very harsh ways of killing him and all my mind would conjure up was the image of my mate's smiling face, his sweet words ringing in my ears or the way he just simply leans over me or holds my hand whenever I'm around. And then I feel this sinking feeling in my gut whenever I think of those little gestures fading away to the harsh reality we're in.

Even the day when we'd told Eleanor and Marilla about Keith's betrayal, all he was worried about was me instead of himself.

* * * FLASH BACK * * *

It was midnight and we were in the castle of Raveria. I was sitting on Valerian's lap with his arms around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder as Eleanor, Marilla and Kane sat around us with shocked faces after I told them about Keith.

"I can't believe he'd do this. He seemed nice. He's family." Eleanor muttered after a heavy moment of silence.

Marilla snorted from beside her, "You'd be surprised to know what family could do. I mean, look at Lila."

Kane nodded along while Eleanor let out a sigh.

I leaned into Valerian as he rested his head on my shoulder. Giving Marilla a confused look, "Who's Lila?" I ask.

The siren queen just shrugs, "My sister."

"Oh." I don't peg her for more since it seemed like a touchy topic judging by the sudden air of uncomfortable energy surrounding her.

Kane glances at me and then at Valerian only for his brow to raise in amusement. I look to my side to find the raven king dozing off on my shoulder.

I couldn't help the smile stretching on my lips as I gently brushed his hair, "He must be tired." I say turning back to Eleanor and Marilla who had their eyes glued on us.

Eleanor smiles nodding along while Marilla's lips quirks into a smirk.

I raise a brow her way to which her smirk widens, "Ofcourse, he'd be tired. Poor thing might not be getting any sleep at nights these days." She winks my way suggestively while I feel my cheeks heat up.

To add to my embarrassment, Kane whistles, "Sex all night long, huh? You guys have quite the energy."

I wanted the ground to split into half and gallop me whole as my face lit on fire. Thankfully Eleanor was there for my rescue.

"Give her a rest, you morons." She hits both of their heads making them let out a series of 'ow's and 'ah's.

Valerian's grip on my waist grows tighter as he frowns half-asleep, "Stop bothering her." He growls before half opening his eyes to glare at Kane, "And stop staring at her."

Kane and I roll my eyes at his comment. No matter how many times we say, Valerian doesn't lessen on his possessiveness around Kane even though the guy was completely harmless. And ever since we mated, it wasn't just Kane, he gets all possessive and protective of me if anyone looks my way for too long. It was cute at times but manier times, I felt like rolling my eyes at his actions. But something didn't seem right about it.

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