|Chapter Forty-Two : Prophecies Come True|

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*Trigger warning : Slight Violence*


MY HEART FELT FROZEN as Valerian's limp body fell into my arms, his hands cold as they brushed against mine.

Everyone in the battle field seemed to still. Even the enemies paused to stare at their High King's death.

I felt numb, too numb to react at all.

My hands carressed Valerian's head slumped on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him holding him close to me and at the same time being careful the dagger doesn't sink deeper into his chest.

My cheek rested over his head as my eyes stared ahead aimlessly, not being able to figure out a single thing going on.

And then amidst all the chaos, Keith descended down from the sky landing on the ground just in front of me. He tries to walk past the shield but the blue translucent globe around us buzzes angrily when he tries to pass through it.

I hold Valerian closer as my insides crumble at what he'd done. He killed himself to save me. He killed himself to save our babies. He killed himself. He....

I gently move back from Valerian, detaching his numb body from mine and carefully place him down on the ground. Brushing his sweaty hair away from his face, I kiss his forehead and stand up to face the man who was the prime cause of my mate killing himself.

It was all because of Keith. It was because of him we were in this whole mess in the first place.

"Release them." My voice is cold, so chilly that I don't recognize it myself.

Keith raises a brow knowing very well who I was referring to.

I take a step ahead then another and then another until I'm right in front of him, the shield being the only thing stopping me from reaching the raven.

My head turns to Mellisa's form silently observing us.

'Remove the shield, Mellisa,' I think way too loudly in my head and see her attention snap to me. She shakes her head when she seems to take in my thoughts.

'Trust me. Just do it.' I urge and see her contemplate for a minute before she glances towards Victor standing a few feet away from the shield.

Her beautiful face contorts in confusion but not a second later, she flicks her fingers and the shield is gone.

Keith is smiling that cynical smile again. The smile Valerian must've never seen on his uncle. The uncle he trusted so much. The uncle he loved more than his own father. The uncle who took advantage of his nephew's love to stab him in the back. The uncle who made my Val give up his life.

Fresh fury bloomed inside me, so raw, so harsh that it wanted nothing than to give Keith the most brutal death I'd ever encountered.

I felt the air around me pick up. The wind in the barren land grows wild as if it is connected to me. As if it felt my inner turmoil. I feel Pretty take over but I could still feel myself entwined with her spirit.

Keith gazes around and when he looks back at me, for a fraction of a second, I see his eyes widen in something akin to shock.

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