Chapter Nineteen

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I drive straight to the forest not looking back. Speeding pasted the limits in ways I know he wouldn't approve, but I have to know what he is doing. I can't allow myself to let him torture her, I want to know some answers from her first. Straight from her mouth, not his. I needed to know why she is doing this. Does she sincerely want to hurt me? Or is she doing this to get to Lucifer?

When I arrive, I pray that I remember the way to the cottage. I slam my car door shut and lock it, shoving the keys into my denim jacket and start running.

Naturally, I am very cautious of my surroundings. Last time I was here I was being chased by some demon trying to attack me. Last time I was here is also the same night Lucifer told me who he actually is. I don't find myself reminiscing on those memories often, nor should I do it now. I shake my distressful thoughts out of my head and speed-walk ahead.

The ground is dry, it seems that it hasn't rained in a few days. The leaves on the hard mud crunch under my sneakers. The wind is soft, how ironic considering my anxiety is through the roof. The bright orange and dull brown leaves are dancing down in pirouettes to the ground. The golden hour making it seem quite magical. The scenery almost distracts me from the real reason I am here.

Only problem, I am struggling to find my way around these woodlands. Every trail looks the same to me.

Fuck. What do I do now?

Endlessly getting lost, the sun begins to set and the air around me begins to darken. I have to stop to recollect myself and my emotions. I don't want to have a panic attack in the middle of the woods again, especially not when I am all alone.

Soon enough, I gain enough confidence in myself to continue walking and somehow, by a very slim decision that I have made in my turns, I have found the cottage, but it is now night-time, and all I can think about is, I hope I made it in time.

I walk through the front door and I am met with Lucifer's aroma, cinnamon fills the air just as if he is here with me in person.

I walk around the cottage, the old floors creaking beneath me, but I can't seem to find him. The cottage is small enough that I would be able to hear him, yet I just can't. Are my instinct that off?

Feeling like a lost cause I sit down on the plush leather sofa, I feel cold pulling the denim material closer to my body; hugging myself. The fireplace isn't lit. Perhaps, my intuition with him isn't as good as I thought it would be.

Maybe, I should just spend the night here. I don't want to get lost in the night again.

I stand and as I do, I feel a noisy creek on the floor beneath my left foot. I press my entire body weight on it and it creeks again, like none other. It's like there is a hole on the other side.

I kneel down and move the carpet out of the way. Much to my surprise there is a small indent in the floorboards. I place my small fingers around it and lift.

"Holy shit!" I gasp when I notice a number of concrete stairs leading down to a hallway. Without allowing myself time to debate whether this is a good idea, I climb down.

It is really chilly down here, almost like I have entered a human sized freezer, except it's all made of stone. As I continue walking down the stone-cold hallway, I hear a sound, and it sounds disturbing. Like I have just invaded someone's nightmare.

A song echoing, loud. It's a song from the 60's maybe, I can't seem to tell, it sounds sad yet with an upbeat tempo. The closer I get the more I realise it's a song called 'laughing on the outside'. I can also hear screams. Masculine? Feminine? Both!

I freeze in my tracks. Do I want to know what is happening? Yes...No...

My feet begin walking again until I reach a big window with a small white door. The things that I see through the glass make bile pile up to my mouth. I cover it to stop myself from screaming. The scene is just too much. Its horrific. Disgusting. Disturbing.

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