Chapter Thirty-Four

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Annabelle, will you be much longer? We're gonna be late to your mum's party!" I hear Lucifer scream at me.

I take a final look in the bathroom mirror. Fixing my red lipstick which matches almost perfectly with my dress; of a well fitted backless red silk material.

"Coming!" I shout back.

I put the lipstick into my clutch, flip my fingers through my fringe and curled locks one last time and head out into his bedroom.

I can't help my grin when I see him in a perfectly tailored black suit. His dark red silk tie left undone. He looks incredibly handsome. The city lights behind him flicker in the reflection making him look all the more so like an unreachable creature.

I drop the velvet clutch onto the bed where my coat is resting and walk up to him. I grab the two ends of his tie and begin twisting it around perfectly, just like my dad once taught me when I is younger.

"I think you are right, we do have to hurry, otherwise I'll start asking you to use this tie to bind my wrists together while you fuck me," I whisper as I finish tying up the silk stands.

"I'm sure I can come up with something like that for later tonight," he says with an equally as big of a grin while he finishes the job. Hooking the top button of his shirt and pushing up the tie to the collar.

"I'm looking forward to it," I say, placing a gentle kiss on his lips so to not leave any lipstick stains, before turning around to grab my coat.

Lucifer takes the coat from me and helps me into it, repeating that little familiar act he always does when he puts my jackets on for me. His thumb tenderly caressing the skin at the back of my neck.

He moves my hair to the side and places a warm kiss right under my ear and whispers, "I can't wait to taste that sweet little pussy of yours while your tied to my bed."

I gulp loudly. The thought of what he said is making me wet already.

"If you keep talking like that, we will never make it to the party."

He chuckles, before placing another kiss on my skin, this time on my cheek.

"We should go then," he says while taking out his arm for me to hook around.

Arriving at my mums, we are greeted by many of her friends. Most of whom I don't even know who they are, but I politely greet them anyway.

Standing near the entrance, Lucifer helps me out of my snow-covered coat handing it away to the person in charge of the cloakroom. My mums interior design job surely has provided her with quite the lavish lifestyle, not as luxury as Lucifer's, but definitely her style.

With Lucifer's warm hand on my bare lower back we walk into the living room area. Christmas music plays in the background but the laughter and chatter of everyone around us overpowers the musical tunes.

My mum's Christmas tree glistens in the background. Its natural wooden scent arousing the room amongst some amazing baked goods.

"Do you think, we'll manage to find someone we know here?" I state dryly leaning myself into Lucifer's embrace a little more.

Just then I hear someone blaring my name. A deep but girly and enthusiastic voice. A middle-aged female in a black shimmery dress comes pushing past the guests.

"Annabelle, oh it's so good to see you!" she says opening her arms up for me. Lucifer's arm around me drops to allow her to engulf me in her hold.

I hug her back, running my hands on her back.

"It's good to see you too auntie," I say back smiling.

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