Chapter Twenty-Three

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We walk into the restaurant with my arms hooked around Lucifer and my dad. Right in the middle I am sandwiched between the two men. We most definitely get a couple of stares but thankfully Lucifer have booked us a more private dining experience in a booth.

A round circle with a dark red velvet couch circled around it. Hiding us perfectly from everyone else. And the best part, the view. A stunning view of the glowing night around the harbour.

Everything is going flawlessly. My dad is embarrassing me about my toddler and childhood years in front of my Lucifer making me go as red as the couch we are sitting on. His hand will occasionally dart up to my naked back making me gasp, holding in my breath as his fingers shoot up electric currents up and down my spine.

I hook my ankles around each-other, pressing my thighs together as I take my orange juice in a champagne glass.

"I think that's enough embarrassing me tonight dad, let's make a toast."

My dad picks up his glass, less so gentlemanly than Lucifer and holds up the glass towards him.

"A thank you, for taking care of my baby girl and helping me get out of prison," he nods his head at him.

Lucifer smiles and nods back.

I watch as they both gulp down on their sweet bubbling grape juice.

Feeling rather restless about my dad's words I take a sip of my drink and put it back down on the table. Twisting on the stem with my fingers as I struggle to hold back my thoughts and comments.

"What do you mean Damien helped you out?"

I have to refrain from calling him Lucifer. My dad doesn't know and probably never will. Ah, just as I'm getting used to calling him by his real name I have to go back to Damien. This will be a confusing challenge.

My eyes dance between the two of them until my dad drops his utensils back down onto his half-eaten plate of beef.

Sighing he finally replies to me.

"It's one of the things I needed to tell you, I didn't want do this, I want to be the one to tell you."

He props his elbows onto the cream clothed table before he continues.

"It breaks my pride that I had help with this, but without Damien I would never have gotten out, never mind this early when my previous parole is rejected."

My heart begins to ache with sympathy for my dad. I reach over to the table and clasp my dad's hand. His skin feel rough against mines, with calluses on the palm. I have to hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry dad, I just thought I'd be the one you'd come to for help," I twist my head around to Lucifer who is staring at me. "Not Damien!"

A smirk appears on his lips and he shrugs his shoulders as he takes another sip of his expensive champagne.

I narrow my eyes at him but soften them as my dad's other hand pats down on mines.

"It's not his fault baby girl," he tells me but it's almost like a plea for me not to argue and he is right. I have promised myself to not ruin this night and enjoy it.

"I'm gonna go check out the bar, leave you two love birds to talk it out," he adds and gets up and away from the table. I twist my body around and peek out of the booth to watch him limping towards the bar.

When I turn back around to face Lucifer, he has a devilish grin plastered on his face.

"You and my dad seem to be getting alone well," I comment trying to sound as unprovoked by his looks as possible as I take a sip of my juice.

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