Chapter Five

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WHEN I WAKE UP its already light. I sit up in bed and notice that Damien is not back. I also realise that I have been stripped of my clothes back down to my panties. Well, that explains why I slept more comfortably. Sleeping with a pair of jeans on is never a good idea. In this very moment, I also realise that I have small bruises on my wrists. This must be from Damien's grasp on them last night. He was a lot more rough than normal, our gentle love making seemed to have went out the door, but I didn't mind that so much. I quite enjoyed it and since the bruises are so faint, I don't seem to mind them either. Salem is calmly sleeping at the edge of the bed and without waking him up, I ramble out of bed. I desperately need to use the bathroom; I am in need of a long simmering shower.

I grab my clothes and go searching the cottage for the bathroom. When I find it, I'm surprised. No shower, only a bathtub. Without a second thought I turn on the faucet and let warm water fill up the tub while I strip myself off of my panties.

WHEN I AM DONE bathing, I finish getting ready, and fully dressed from last night's clothing I walk into the living room. I start admiring the books on the books shelf, it contains a mixture of gothic horror like Frankenstein and Dracula, all first editions too!There is a collection of what looks like dusty old grimoires, I don't touch them. Although my mind does wonder what they are used for.

Just then I feel a gust of wind behind me and when I turn around, I see Damien, an all devilish figure in some kind of white embroidered renascence shirt. The top is opened allowing me to take a sneak peek at some of his chest hair. His hair is all messy like he just rolled out of bed. I get tingles all over my body.

"What are you looking at?" he asks.

"Books, you have interesting tastes in literature, do you use Frankenstein as inspiration for your torture of people?" I ask playfully, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, but I prefer to be much more creative" he says with a grin on his face.

His answer prompts me to think of endless possibilities of him torturing people and souls in the depths of his kingdom. Verbally degrading them, hanging them, slicing their throats, burning or boiling them alive. The thoughts are unsettling, and I frown.

"What's wrong?" he asks his hand wondering to my face.

"Nothing, why did you need to speak with Lilith?" I ask brushing his hand away from me and walking a few steps away. I stare into the fire that's completely died by now. It causes me to look up at the old clock, 9:40 am, damn I slept quite the time. I turn around to face him and he is regarding me.

"It's nothing that should concern you."

"Who is she exactly to you? ... did you sleep with her?" the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. He is stunned by my interrogation.

"No Annabelle, I didn't sleep with her and to answer your first question, she's the Mother of demons, but her title is very superficial" he answers me.

"Come you must be hungry, let's have some breakfast." he tries grabbing a hold of my arm, but I resist. I'm not sure why, but I am being filled with a sudden anger.

"No, I'd like for you to take me home" I say and turn around to put on my coat and walk out the door.

I am out, back into the forest and crisp chilly weather, strutting down quickly with Salem by my side when I hear the cottage doors open and close. He is following me. He will have no choice but to take me home.

We walk through the forest in silence. Occasionally, like young teenagers in love, taking a cheeky little peak at each other. I was still mad at him and I don't understand why I had a sudden surge of jealously with Lilith. He said he loves me, and he doesn't appear to want me to leave, so why was I acting out? Maybe it's the overwhelming feelings of everything that has happened the last 18 or so hours, or maybe I just need to hear him actually say the words. And then it hits me! I completely forgot about Lily and Hardy! I dramatically stop walking causing Salem to purr loudly at me. I take out my phone from the pocket of my jacket. No service!

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