Chapter Twenty-One

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It's so dark in the room that I cannot see anything at all. It's like someone has placed a plain black sheet of paper in front of my eyes. I am engulfed by darkness.

When two minutes ago I told myself not to panic, I am now, freaking out. What are the odds of the lights just shutting down right at this very moment?

I am too afraid to take a step forward, so I try to reach for my phone to turn on the flash but as soon as I put my hand to my back pocket, I feel something on the side of my neck. A breath. A breath so cold it prickles my skin.

I move my hand and cover the patch of skin, but the icy breath is now on my hand.

A wash of warm panic consumes me. My heart is beating out of my chest making it hurt. My legs shaky and fingers trembling.

What the fuck!

I take a big lungful of air and slowly turn around. If I can imagine the room, I should be now facing the sink and mirror. I reach out my hands, dangling in the darkness to look for it. Once I find it, I grasp onto it and hold on for dear life.

I want to scream for help. I want to find Lucifer and have him take me out of this situation, but would he be back yet?

I want to say a prayer. I am not that religious, but I was baptised, and my mum and dad always told me to pray when something bad happens. That is exactly what I want to do. Pray to God, ask for forgiveness and help. But he wouldn't give it to me. It's pointless praying to him when I am carrying the Devils child inside me.

I feel the same breath on the back of my neck again. I shiver in fear. Then I feel a freezing cold imprint on my shoulder. I gasp and violently turn around only for the lights to flicker just for a second. Just long enough for me to notice a strange being standing in the corner of the room.

Knee length greasy raven coloured hair and a torn old rag on her body. The hair is what gives it away for me.

"Nina?" I say out loud. "Nina is that you?"

"You don't have to do whatever you plan to do, we can just talk...please."

I take a few empty steps forward but almost immediately I am swooped off my feet and tackled right down to the ground. The back of my head bashes against the tiled floors sending what feels like a sharp headache all over my scalp.

I feel her lifeless body against me. Her long sharp nails scratching my arms as I try to push her off of me. But she stronger despite her petite body. She crushes my wrists to the side of my face.

Her breath is right in my ear when she finally speaks.

"You know you are not worth him, I only hoped he would get bored of you but instead he chose to fall in love with you."

What in the world? Not worth him? Bored? Love? It all makes sense now! She herself is in love with Lucifer. Retaliating against me to get to him.

"What are you talking about!" I scream out only for her nails to dig into my flesh harsher.

"Lucifer! You desperate lousy little human!"

"He's not in love with me, you've got it all wrong!" I lie in despondency for her to let me go. At this point I would say anything to have her leave me alone. As long as I didn't cause harm to him.

"A human like you is only brining him down," she says, her voice horse in my ear. She lets go of one of my wrists and grazes her long sharp nail against my throat.

"I wonder what he would do if I let you bleed to death on this floor, he isn't here to save you, I might as well take this opportunity."

With one of her fingers she tilts my head up allowing herself better access to my throat. The nail digging into my oesophagus ever harder now.

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