Chapter Thirty-Two

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Lucifer bursts into the room. Opening the door so aggressively that it bashes against the concrete wall creating an indent. I stare at him confused at his somewhat irrational reaction. But a big part of me feels glad he is here. My anger with him no longer lingers as the official death of the demon at my feet has released me of my negative emotions.

"What happened? Are you okay Ana?" he asks panicked. Walking into the room then stopping when he notices Nina's dead body on the floor.

"I'm okay," I reassure him then turn my head back to the dead body on the floor. "Nina's dead and this time she will stay that way, she won't be a problem for us anymore."

Lucifer engulfs my bubble, grabbing my face with his hands, forcing me to look at him. Unease and worry written all over him as he searches my face for any kind of emotion; for remorse. But there isn't any. Why should there be?

I allow my face to soften and lean into his embrace. Closing my eyes and pressing one of his hands into my cheek further with my hand.

"Did you kill her?"

His questions provokes me to shoot my eyes open in alarm. He doesn't actually think that I am capable of that does he? As I stare at his unmoved anxiety, my eyes soften away from their apprehension.

"Ana?" he pushes.

"I didn't have to, she did it herself."

I gulp loudly, parting my lips to exhale deeply as my hands rest on his forearms. He watches every single fragmented move I make in anticipation. Waiting for my explanation.

"I came here to get my needed confrontation, things spiralled, just a little, and eh I somehow managed to persuade her to kill herself. It's what I needed to be able to move on," I choke out with sudden tears running down my cheeks, stinging and burning my dry eyes.

His palm wraps around the back of my head and pulls me towards him. Squeezing me to his body as I quiver in sadden relief.

"I'm so sorry Ana, this should not have happened, none of this," he whispers into my ear as his thumb caresses my scalp sending hot prickles down my neck.

Momentarily, I am taken back to the night at the forest. The night he told me he is the Devil. Where we stood so still in the middle of the forest with him providing me the solace, I needed to be okay. Now his solace didn't seem enough. Not until now.

Now that Nina is finally dead, there won't be anyone else troubling us.

"I shouldn't be having this influence over you, this is not right," he says but it sounds more like he is saying it to himself rather than me.

It isn't fair. He is right that perhaps none of this would have happened if we didn't meet. But we are meant to be. I love him and I know that he does too.

I attempt to wiggle out of his embrace but instead he just presses me into him even more. I can feel the upbeat tempo of his heart thumping harsher than my breaths of relief.

I think it only took me until now to realise the reality behind Lucifer's feelings for me. He knows this may not last forever. But whatever time we have left he wants me to live it to the fullest, without the burdens of his life. Except, they don't feel like burdens to me, especially not now.

"I'm gonna get you in the bath baby," he says suddenly pulling me away, holding me at arm's length, examining me.

"Huh?" I let out confused at the sudden mood change.

He offers me a small reluctant smile, whipping my cheek with his thumb. When he pulls his hand away, I notice a red liquid dripping down onto his palm.

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