Chapter Fifteen

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I'm in the elevator back up to Damien's home holding his car keys in my hand. I'm looking down onto the red -carpet floor and grin to myself. To some this may seem like an impossible relationship, but I think dating the devil shouldn't be too hard. I mean the worst that could happen is that I die of old age and he continues living on with his life. Perhaps, my murderous sin might even send me to hell, that way we can be together for ever, right?

When I come into the foyer, I can hear some distant noises. It sounds like Damien is talking with someone. Someone that sounds like he has an old raspy voice.

Walking into the living room I drop my jacket and bag onto it the sofa, leaving the keys on a small coffee table and when I turn, I see Damien talking with someone. He is wearing grey sweatpants and he's all sweaty. Oh, my! He looks so at ease with himself right now but the look of him alone is making my body heat up. I gulp loudly as I slowly start making my way towards them.

"Annabelle you're here!" says Damien as he notices me. He turns his body to face me and when I am right beside him, he wraps one of his arms around my waist and kisses my lips. I flush.

"Let me introduce you to my advisor."

He waves his hand out for his advisor to introduce himself.

"Hello." I sound a little too high pitched, but I hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Hello, ma'am."

He shakes my hand lightly bowing his head. Jeez, what is with all the formality between all these demonic- human looking creatures from hell?

"Skyler, right?" I ask trying to remember his name, mentioned to me only once before. I look up at Damien for reassurance and he's looking at me with a small smile.

"Yes, ma'am," he answers prompting me to look at him again. He was on the shorter side. With messy dusty blonde hair with a few grey hairs showing. His eyes are a muted green and his face is covered with well-aged wrinkles.

I don't know what else to say to this man, so I just smile kindly, wrapping my arm around Damien's hip. I look between the two of them whilst I feel myself zooning out. I have no idea what they are talking about, never mind how long it takes them to finish their conversation.

I only realise that they have stopped talking when Damien looks at me confused. I shake myself out of my daze and realise that Skyler is holding out his hand for me to shake. Quickly, I take it and shake his hand showing him a big smile of kindness.

"Lovely meeting you Skyler."

"Likewise, Miss Bennett."

"Be back later in the day," says Damien to Skyler. He nods back at his king of hell and leaves, through the big mysterious doors. What in the world is behind them?

"Want to join me in the shower?"

"Yes!" I replies happily without even thinking about the fact that I have already taken one this morning. How could I ever deny a shower together with him? My king.

We're standing naked in the shower, both shower heads blasting full water onto our backs. We are facing each-other massaging soap into one another's bodies. My hands washing away the sweat that was all over him not just five minutes ago.

I allow one of my hands to rest on his shoulder pulling myself closer to him as the other holds a washcloth, brisling its way on his chest.

Despite the fact that I have a gorgeous man standing naked in front of me I can't stop thinking about my encounter with Nina today. I have a weird gut feeling about her. Her mood swings and some kind of stalker looking tendencies. It didn't feel right.

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