Chapter Twenty-Five

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The next morning, I woke up before my dad, it is still relatively early, 10am. I should technically be at work right now, but I did promise Lucifer than I wouldn't go in just yet. That didn't mean I wouldn't go for a quick check in on all the work I missed later on in the day. But right now, my priority is my dad. I have already established that I will be taking him to the hospital. And that is exactly where I am right now. Sitting in the waiting room while my dad is getting some scans done.

I keep replaying last night's conversation with my dad and how he is so persistent that I get an abortion. It seems so unlike him. I would have thought he would want me to keep the child, especially since he wants to be a grandfather. It confused me.

The more I think about the situation the more I want to keep the child. Sure, it's going to be the child of the Devil, and quite possibly the next King of Hell but I do not want to be that mother that doesn't care enough about her first child that she aborts it.

I've no idea how Lucifer will take the news, whether he will be pleased to be a father or whether he will not be happy about it at all. If he doesn't want it, I won't care, I'll have it anyway and do it all myself. Surely, there shouldn't be that much of a difference between raising a human child to a demon baby, right?

My train of thought is interrupted when I see a female with long red hair with white highlights in a ponytail and a lab coat strut towards me. My father following closely after.

Immediately I stand to my feet and meet her halfway, engaging in an informative conversation about my dad's state of health.

"Overall, with some good rest, he should be good as new in a few weeks," she said with a smile and patted my dad's upper back.

"Thank you so much, doctor," I reply politely returning a smile.

She glances at the both of us one last time before she walks away. I turn to face my Dad, wrap my arm around him and guide him towards the seats.

"Have you got the discharge papers?"

"All signed and ready to go Baby girl," he replies waving a small stack of papers in the air.

I take them from my dad and hand them over to the receptionist. Within a few short minutes we are ready to go home. But the drive back to my apartment is anything but comfortable. My dad kept fidgeting in his seat, and I can tell it isn't from pain. There is something genuinely bothering him.

The way he is breathing so deeply or running his palms up and down his legs, it all unnerved me. I kept driving and kept looking away from the road to look at him. I nearly missed the red light at one of the stops. Pressing the brakes so hard I shoot both of us flying forward causing my dad to wince in pain from the pressure of his seatbelt on his ribs.

"I'm so sorry dad!" I kept repeating myself with a shaky voice.

I didn't want to show my dad that I is anxious about him acting nervous, and I is unbelievably eager to ask him what it is he said he wants to tell me when I am ready.

When we arrive back in my apartment, we have a beautiful female figure waiting for us at my front door. She turns around to face me, her hands crossed over and her shiny heel near pointed at me.

"Lilith, what are you doing here?" I ask as I push past her to open my door. I enter and usher my dad inside.

Quickly, Lilith introduces herself to my dad before he says he is going to take a nap. Perhaps that's for the better, Lilith can be so blunt it can be intimidating.

When my dad is out of sight Lilith doesn't hesitate to make herself, be heard.

"I thought Lucifer told you not to leave the house?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

I cuss under my breathe as I plop myself onto the bar stool, resting my arm on the counter.

"I forgot, it completely went out of my head, but I have to take my dad to the hospital, for fuck sakes do I need permission to take care of my dad?" I lash out.

Lilith doesn't look surprised, she doesn't even flinch at my sudden raised voice.

"What happened to your father?"

I sigh and slouch in my sitting position.

"It's a long story."

"Is it something I should be informing Lucifer about?" she asked hovering over me, invading my privacy. It is suffocating.

I am about to answer when my phone begins to ring. I stand to my feet and go over to the couch to reach for my phone in my bag.

I answer it without even looking at the caller.

"Hello?" I answer and the person that speaks to me on the other end of the phone is my doctor. The one asking me whether I am ready and fully decided on what I would like to do with the baby.

I feel so restless I just blurt out my words.

"I don't want the abortion, I want to keep it," I inform my doctor and I immediately have his support.

When I hang up Lilith is all up in my face again.

"Your pregnant!" she states sounding alarmed.

Why is that? I guess it must be a disbelief but this much shock from a strong female being like her is surprising.

"Yeah," I husk out.

I want to sound more confident than the words came out as.

"You can't be, Lucifer won't be happy about it, how far along are you?" she asks sternly but eagerly.

"Twelve weeks and what do you mean Lucifer won't be happy about it?"

She paused staring at me for what feels like long dragging hours. In reality it is just seconds before she opened her mouth to voice her opinion no doubt.

"You are a human, do you really think a delicate body like yours is capable of carrying the Devil's child? Lucifer will hear nothing of this do you understand? All Hell would break loose down below and here on earth if he found out the truth, you will have the abortion and that's final!"

I stare at her unable to speak. So much of what she said has left be utterly speechless. Why can't a human have a child that belongs to the Devil? They can't be that much of a difference between this and all the God damn sex demons impregnating their victims.

This situation also now amounts to two different people, possibly three, wanting me to get rid of the child. Should I really follow through? Isn't risking your own life for the child's the thing that parents are supposed to do?

I sit back on the arm of my sofa as I watch Lilith pace the room back and forth. Her heel clicking bouncing off the brick walls.

"I may know a way to get all of this done without the King finding out, I would just have to go and consult with one individual and then I am taking you to the hospital myself."

She stopped walking, the perfect figure illuminating the area with darkness as she sight and turns to face me.

"You are not to leave the house, I will be back tomorrow morning to check up on you," she says before she turns and leaves my apartment.

My shock is slowly dissipating into rage. How dare so many people tell me what to do. Why to protect me, to keep me alive? I don't give a shit anymore. This is my child too and if I want to keep it, I will. 

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