Chapter Twenty- Nine

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Once Annabelle's body completely relaxed and her breathing went soft, I snuck away from the hospital back into the realms of my Kingdom, but not before I made a quick pit stop to visit Nina.

I wasn't going to let any one of them get away with what they did to her. They all want a ruthless King of Hell, then that is exactly what I should give them.

Even though I hate leaving Anna back at the hospital, her mother is still there. And I have every intention of getting back to her once I have completed what I aim to do.

I have Skyler strap up Nina in my torture room back at the cottage. All my weapons perfectly polished and ready for me to use on her over and over until she thinks she can't take it anymore. Then I'll give her just the right amount of time to get a little better before I do it all over again. For murdering the closest person Anna had to family that she cherished the most- that is the least that she deserves.

As for Asmodeus, well, he won't know what is coming to him. I myself know that the worst punishment a man can experience is losing the love of his life.

I smirk at the thought of doing this to him, as I reach my hand into the pocket of my slack trousers. My fingers curl into a fist as I clutch onto the eyeball that I so savagely took from Nina. And I must say, hearing her scream as I carved it out of the hallow of her skull fuelled all of the emotions within me. Seeing the blood drip down into her mouth making her choke. That will be a sight I will never get bored of, besides Anna.

I make my way through the lava running walls into the big throne room where I have Lilith waiting for me. The sight of her makes me want to slice her throat. Or perhaps have her go through her worst nightmare all over again. Take her rib and create an Adam of my liking and kill her first love in front of her very eyes all over again. That sounds like a saccharine, sweet revenge to me.

Once my heavy, dictating footsteps begin to echo, she turns herself around to face me. A vast smile plastered on her face. She is a beautiful woman. Ageing miraculously due to the powers I have. Not a single grey hair on her head, and barley a wrinkle visible on her skin. I have been more than generous with her. That will all end today, until she learns that she will always be beneath me. Until she learns that not telling me about things that matter will get punished.

I take my seat on my enormous throne. Letting myself slouch in it like I always do. I still remember father sitting right here. Ordering his demons around, discussing his plots to go to war with God and brining Hell to earth.

Our planet, he would call it. Our home. We were the rulers of earth just as much as God is. The humans were our people, our peasants that we can torture as much as we would like. But ever since I met Anna, my perspectives on that changed. Someone like me is not supposed to fall in love with anyone, never mind a human. And the baby? Let's just say that a part of me is glad that it's gone. I would not make a good father, nor should I have to. I am the very definition of evil. The child would only take an example from me. Moreover, it would probably kill her before she can deliver. I know she is upset about it. But this is for the better, for both of us.

"I have made the arrangements you have asked for, sir." Says Lilith bowing her head as she approaches me closer.

I lift up my hand to stop her from coming any nearer as I scan the big book of dead souls that have recently arrived to my Hell.

"Good, I expect it to go exactly as planned." I say unemotionally.

When I lift up my head to look at her, I am surprised she is still standing there. Nibbling at her lower lip timidly. She is feeling uneasy. I can sense it and not just from her body language.

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