Chapter Seven

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The next day, it was a rainy Monday morning. A rainy Vancouver never brought any comfort to me. Damien always did, but he wasn't here. I was all by myself in an overcast apartment as I get myself ready for work. It was cold, the bricks in the walls of my place weren't heated so I had to layer up my clothing.

I had some extra time before I had to leave so I spent this time lying in bed with Salem cuddled up to me. I wanted to cry, but the black cat would purr in my ear prompting me to hold the salty water back.

I could not stop thinking about him. His body, his blue eyes, or the way he would run his hands through his hair after a shower. The way he would look at me before he said he loved me or squeeze my hand whenever we went for a walk. I missed the heat of his body warming me up.

I close my eyes wishing that I could forget what Damien had told me. That he was one of the fallen angels from heaven and become a devil, overtaking the big kingdom of hell. It felt like so much for me to take in, but there isn't a complete shadow of doubt over my relationship with him. I still wanted him. I loved him. He was the only man I have ever loved, so how could I see myself leaving the only man I love? The only man I will most likely ever love in the way that I love him.

Before I know it, I have to leave for work. I grab my bag, coat and keys and leave out the door driving faster than I should to the publishing house. I forget to bring an umbrella so the short walk between the parking lot and the entrance to my job leaves me a little drenched. I walk past the reception nodding my head at the girls behind the desk. They give me a warm smile bellowing a, "Good morning Miss Bennet."

I smile back at them and walk straight to the elevator. Thankfully I was the only one there but since it was covered in numerous mirrors I couldn't get away from my reflection. I stare at the girl in the mirrored image. Her hair down, the fringe almost covering her eyes from the wetness of the rain, dark circles from her sleepless night and an upside-down smile. I try fixing my hair running my fingers through the knots and pushing my fringe to the side. Quickly I dab some berry lipstick onto my lips and just in time the elevator door opens.

I walk out and walk past a small reception with a girl behind the desk. Sophie was on the phone. I smile at her and walk past to my small office with a big glass window and a white wooden door. I was one of the three copyeditors for Association of book publishers BC, but I used to be an intern assistant to the big boss before I changed my position almost a year ago now. It was one of the best decisions I could make.

Then it dawns on me, maybe I could make the best decision to stay away from Damien, to avoid myself from getting hurt. I shake that thought out of my mind quickly. I needed to get some work done to distract myself. I was given permission to leave work for a longer break today anyway so that I could go see my father, I missed him and maybe he would be able to give me some advice on what I should do.

At lunch time just before I leave, I get a quick call from Lily asking if I want to join her and Hardy for some dinner at Notch8.

"Yeah sure," I say to her.

"Great, I've made dinner reservations for 5:30 pm, we'll see you there," she states and hangs up the phone.

This will be good for me. Going out and seeing my friends will be a further distraction from my urges to curl up in bed and cry.

I quickly grab my stuff and leave work. My anticipation to see my father is causing me to walk faster than normal. The girls behind the reception desk glare as they watch me leave, no doubt some form of jealousy that I'm getting out earlier than them.

I slip into my car, turn on the GPS and drive away towards the Fraser regional correctional centre. Taking the highway, it tells me that the drive should take no more than an hour. So, I decide to listen to the radio while I focused on my driving.

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