Chapter Two

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The forest ground is wet from the drizzle; the leaves no longer have that dry crunch to them beneath our feet. I can hear the howling wind letting the trees dance high up in the air, but they are a protective barrier to the increasing intensity of the rain. The fog at our feet is getting denser the further and deeper we walk into the woods. The full moon glistening in front of us. There is a sense of an eerie atmosphere that I can feel lingering around me, so I shove my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

Damien is walking beside me, looking straight ahead occasionally pushing me from one side to the other so I don't trip over some branches. He has a vexed facial expression plastered all over his face and it burns my curiosity.

"Are you worried about something?" I ask as we continue to walk deeper into the forest.

"No, why would you think am worried about something?" he comments back as he holts to a stop to look at me.

"You get a little crease in-between your eyebrows whenever you're deep in thought," I say as I walk up to him and caress the crease with my thumb, my hand eventually stopping at his cheeks.

I still wanted him, a desirable urge that I couldn't explain, so I lean in to kiss him. Attacking his mouth with my lips. He kisses me back, harshly. His arms wrapping around me pulling me closer. He finds his way inside my mouth, shoving his tongue inside. I allow him to devour me whole. I had a quenching desire to have him fuck me right here, my hands wondering and wanting to take off his jacket, but he stops. He pulls away his lips from mines and grabs a hold of my hands, squeezing.

"Not here, not right now Anna," he says, his breathing heavy, he wants me too.

I look down and back up at him through my lashes like an innocent little girl, licking my lips in the process.

"Okay," I say pulling away. He grabs my hand and starts walking again.

After both of our heavy breathing calms down I decide to bother him with my questions again.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it you want to ask?"

"Well... I'm curious about what you said this morning at the restaurant, when you said you and God don't see eye to eye."

"What about it?"

"What did you mean by it..." I look down at my shoes as we walk, "You made it sound like you know all about Christianity, having some kind of connection with it, yet you claim you aren't Christian," I continue.

I hear him sigh loudly before he finally chooses to answer me, "Don't you think that God has a funny way of showing love and loyalty to his people?" he begins sparking me back to give all of my undivided attention to him. "He despises anyone who challenges his throne and authority, eventually casting out the seven angels from Heaven."

"The seven angels from Heaven?" I ask. I don't remember being taught about the seven fallen angels.

"Beelzebub, Abaddon, Mammon, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Satan and Lucifer," he replies. A number of cold chills go down my spine when he says the last two names.

"But isn't Satan and Lucifer the same person?" I ask trying to remember what I was taught in my religion classes back in high school.

"They're related, but not the same person," he says with a grin on his face.

What does he mean by all of this? I am so confused with the whole Satan and Lucifer comment. How could they be related? I don't think I have ever heard him say such things throughout our discussions on religion before.

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