Chapter Thirty-Three

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The next morning, I woke up in Lucifer's cosy warm arms, wrapped around me like a blanket, the real one draped over our naked bodies. I nozzle myself into his chest. I don't want to open my eyes, moments like these is what I want more of. Just us holding each-other close. Listening to the rhythm of our hearts.

"Good morning Annabelle," I hear Lucifer say in a sleepy voice.

He presses a kiss onto the top of my head, his arm moving down under the covers to caress my back.

"Hmm," I hum in response. I'm still too sleepy to make any vocal interactions.

I hear him chuckle.

"Looks like you might need more sleepy time."

I groan some more in response until I feel him move away, trying to get out of bed. I squint my eyes open to see him sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you getting up?" I ask sleepily, propping myself up to press my chest into his back while my arms wrap around him like a blanket.

I rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes again as he takes my palm and kisses it. Snappishly, he pulls me in onto his lap, hooking his arm under my knees while the other supports my back. I giggle in response, but sleepily closing my eyes snuggling into the crook of his neck.

Damn, I am tired.

I don't see his facial expressions, but I can feel him stand up and place me back in bed, pulling the covers over my naked body.

"I'm going to make us some breakfast, does Miss sleepyhead have any requests?"

I can feel his arms pressing into the soft mattress of the bed on either side of my body. I twist round to my side, opening my eyes a little with a small smile. My hand darts on to his arm, caressing the warm skin.

"Sausage and eggs," I say peaking up at him. A curious mischievous smirk on my lips.

A huge grin appears on Lucifer's face.

"I'll see what I can do," he replies, pressing a kiss to my lips and walks away.

We eat our breakfast in the big King-sized bed in the bedroom. The fire blazing, filling the cottage with more warmth and a soothing atmosphere. It snowed a little over the night, the first snowfall of the winter. It isn't enough to cover you to the knees when you try and walk out, but it's enough to hear the snow crunch under your shoes.

We feed each-other our breakfast, toying around and laughing over the fact that I spilled some orange juice over myself. But clearly that didn't bother either one of us because Lucifer leaned in and licked and kissed off the juice running down my breasts.

Once we eat our breakfast, we get dressed, or at least half dressed as I lay on the sofa with my legs propped up on his lap wearing all but a sweater and panties. We stay like that for hours, talking and reading some of the material from his mysterious bookshelf.

After we have some lunch, we decide to take a walk outside. Its freezing cold so I have to ensure that my body stays heated by cuddling up to Lucifer's embrace.

Half-way down our walk towards the lake, a light snowfall begins to fall down again. The way it makes its way past the empty tree branches and lands on my face looks so magical. Although I much prefer the heat, I always have an appreciation for the way snow looked. Covering the mountain tops and creating a frost-bitten lake which allowed the reflection of the sun to look all the more appealing.

In fact, once we arrive at the lake, I turn myself around and look at Lucifer. His blue eyes stood out amongst all of his features in this pale background.

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