Chapter Ten

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We kiss for what seems like forever before I lean over even more and move myself over to his lap. My body is cursing with blood fire as I feel his hands wondering my body, hitching up my dress to reveal my stockings. Tenderly, his finger caresses the flesh above my stocking line, shocking me with those electric stimulations again.

"You always look so sexy in stockings Anna." He utters breathlessly. I giggle a little before latching myself to his mouth again.

My hands begin to wonder to his trousers undoing the button and struggling to undo his zipper. I could already feel his erection growing beneath me. He was wanting me; his body was wanting me. He helps me with his zipper allowing my hand with better ease to go inside his boxers, springing his erection free for me.

His hands are on my behind, squeezing my ass cheeks. His index finger twiddling with the mesh fabric, before his whole hands go underneath the material.

He watches me, fixated on my actions as I take my hand and spit on it and dart it down to massage my saliva all over his erection. Stroking him up and down with my hand. He moans into my mouth and it just turns me on even more. Making me wetter and wetter.

"Tell me you love me again." I whisper into his mouth.

"I love you." He murmurs back as he moves my hands to rest on his broad shoulders. One of his hands moves back between my legs pushing my panties to the side, his skilled fingers collecting my juices, "I love you more than you know Annabelle."

Unexpectedly, he slams me down into him making me cry out a sweet melody of moans. The exquisite fullness seems almost unbearable at first. Once I get accustomed to having him inside me, I start riding him. Moving up and down as much as the small space around us allows me.

His hands still resting on my behind, he gives it a quick, hard and loud spank causing me to gasp for air. The stinging sensation prickling my skin. He does it again, and again. Then massaging the tingling skin.

As I ride him, I keep supporting myself on his shoulders, clasping, trying to dig my nails into him through his coat. We moan into each-others ears as I get engulfed by the sweet sensations of us fucking in my car.

He starts moving me and pushing my hips into him, causing us to move, really move. I surrender myself to the relentless rhythm, savouring each up and down movement. His breathing ragged losing himself in me as I lose myself with him.

"Oh, Anna," he moans, his teeth grazing my jaw and I come hard around him. He stills, clutches me, and follows suit.

We sit still, panting. He is still inside of me and I can feel his cum filling me up. I can tell that he is spent as he nozzles himself into the crook of my neck. His heavy breath tingling my sensitive skin.

I look around through the windows of my car in the hope that no soul was passing by, watching and hearing us fuck outside the cemetery.

"Don't worry, nobody was watching."

I giggle, "I can't believe we just did that."

"And maybe we'll do it again in the future," he smirks.

He scans my face as if he is admiring every inch of me, and I do the same. His hand runs to my hair, playing and twisting the long brown strands around his fingers.

"You are so beautiful to me."

A wide grin appears on my mouth as I cup his face with my hands, pushing his thick, soft hair back.

"Hmm, you're quite handsome yourself."

He grins back at me.

"Come on we should get home."

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