Chapter Twenty-Six

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After Lilith's visit, I have a variety of emotions cursing through my veins. Sadness. Rage. Hurt. The list can go on honestly. I have never had to face such a conflicting situation. Perhaps I should talk to my mother and see what she would say. I doubt she would be against the pregnancy. At least not on purpose. Her views on abortion are far too conservative for her to approve of me committing such an immoral act.

The thing that hurt the most is knowing that Lilith believes that Lucifer wouldn't be happy about the situation. Does he not want children? Or does he just not want children with me? It's hard to believe that he would never want to be a father, especially since he suggested we get married.

Even if I do have to risk my life for this child, I am its mother and I am more than willing to do just that, besides, if I die, I am more than likely to go to Hell. So, it's not like Lucifer would be losing me. We can still be together. Have our happily ever after.

I didn't want to dwell on those thoughts for too long, so after we have our late lunch back in my apartment, I left my dad chilling in front of the TV whilst I went out to quickly see what I missed at work.

I didn't caution that Lucifer has told me to stay home. It's just a quick visit. And my dad is safely locked away at my place. Nothing bad can possibly happen, even with Nina on the loose.

My visit to work is very brief, Beatrice is able to keep me informed on all that I have missed the past week, but in all honestly it felt like a month since I have been at work. Ever since the masquerade ball things have just been sparling downwards.

"When will you come back to work, we all miss you here?" asks Beatrice while I grab some paperwork, she left for me on her desk.

I sigh before replying.

"Soon, maybe sometime this week, next week at the latest," I reply pressing the countless number of pages to my chest as I look down at my friend sitting in her seat in front of her laptop.

"The flu can be such a bitch, but after just a week and a half you're looking rather well," she comments with a sudden raised eyebrow.

I give her a bright smile.

"Yeah, Damien is really good at taking care of me when I'm sick."

Beatrice chuckles putting a pen inside her hair, just behind the elastic band of her ponytail.

"If you mean he fucks you well then I'm sure he does."

I roll my eyes at her and switch the conversation back to her by asking about her husband. Without a doubt this trick worked. But not for long. I didn't want to leave my dad all alone in my apartment for more than an hour, so I decided to quickly say my goodbyes and left. Getting into my car and driving back to my place.

Once I unlock the front door with my keys the place is surprisingly motionless. I close the door behind me and plop the papers I received from work on the kitchen counter along with my phone and keys. I turned and walked towards the sofa and noticed my dad isn't there, but the TV is on, and

much louder than before. How strange. My dad never leaves the TV running if no one is watching.

"Dad?" I call out, hoping that maybe he just went to the bathroom or something, but I get no answer.

I pick up the remote and switch the TV off placing the remote back down onto the coffee table. I didn't enjoy the sudden quietness of the room. It felt too quiet. Too still for a place where two people are supposed to be living in.

I stand still thinking about where my dad could gone, maybe he fell back asleep in his room again?

As I lift my gaze to look up at the windows, I only now notice that the curtains are covering the views, constructions views but nevertheless a snippet view of the city.

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