Chapter Nine

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Kind of a long chapter but please read and leave a comment. 

It's been four days since I've seen Damien, four whole days since he has told me he was the Devil. It's a Thursday morning and I actually went for a morning run before my work. It was quite refreshing running around Mundy Park, and it allowed me to clear my mind. The scenery was also a good change from the four walls of my bedroom. Even though I had Salem to keep me company, he wasn't quite the company I desired to have around.

At this point in time, I have taken enough time to think about the situation that I have found myself in and I openly want to admit that I am almost certain I want to stay in Damien's life. I at least want to try. If it doesn't work, then I will have to brace myself for the biggest heartbreak of my life.

When I get back from my run, I shower with scorching warm water to allow myself to think that Damien is with me, then I put on my work clothes, a simple black dress cutting off just halfway down my thighs. Before I leave, I look myself in the mirror trying to pin my hair up with a clip into a French bun. I still have some colour in my cheeks from my run and shower. I smile at myself thinking about how today I should give him a call, or text, whichever fits best my confidence level. On that thought, I slip into my trench coat, grab my bag and head out the door.

Work, unfortunately, is proving to go much slower than expected. It's only been an hour since I have been sitting at my desk, proofreading a new book due to be published next month, but thankfully I only had one small chapter left. I kept switching between editing and answering work emails. I knew I had a team meeting at the conference room after lunch and they will expect me to have as much of it done as possible.

Just when I least expect it my boss comes knocking at my door. I look up and see the old wrinkled man dressed in a light grey suit and like some kind of corporate lawyer, comes in with someone I have never seen before. A girl, maybe around my age, 23-24? She was super tall and slender almost ghostly with pale skin, dark hair and coffee coloured eyes. I stand up from my seat and walk around to be standing in front of them.

"Good morning Mr Murphy." I pipe out in surprise.

"Good morning Anna, I have someone to introduce to you." He says looking at her, encouraging her ghostly figure to introduce herself to me.

"The names Nina Nipus." she says holding her hand out for me. I shake her hand and notice just how much of a dark brown her eyes were. She smiles at me, but it doesn't feel genuine. I smile back shily.

"Hi, please call me Anna." I say to her.

"Nina is here on an internship." Says Mr Murphy. He pats her back which seems unprofessional to me causing me to squirm on the inside.

"Oh, from which university?"

"British Columbia." She replies hastily. Her voice sounds quite husky.


I give her a warm smile.

"I hope you two girls will get along well, we will leave you to your work Anna, I'll see you at the team meeting this afternoon." Says Mr Murphy and guides Nina with him out of my office. Thank goodness, gone are the days where I am that mans assistant. He was always so moody, and you could never keep up with his demands.

I sit back down at my desk and attempt to keep working on the novel I'm proof reading, but my mind was subconsciously wondering over whether it was time to text or call Damien. Would he even pick up? I sulk over the pages in front of me when I realise, he is and probably will continue to be too busy for me. For three whole months he has been trying to lead two lives in attempt to appear normal to me, he wouldn't continue doing that now that I know his secret would he?

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