Chapter Thirteen

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I seductively gaze at him, slightly tilting my head to the side as I walk over to his big plush king-sized bed and sit down on it. He is looking at me and analysing every one of my moves. His lips twitch into a crooked smile as he walks over to me. He pushes my legs apart as he shifts himself between them. Now I really have to tilt my head up at him if I want to look into his eyes.

"What do you want Annabelle?"

His voice is all deep and captivating. The voice he uses when he wants me to get all wet for him.

"You," I whisper barely being able to find my voice.

His sexy smile appears on his lips as he pushes me down onto the bed. Pushing my body into the overly comfortable mattress with his body and starts kissing me. Uncompromisingly.

I grab his face and pull it away from me. Looking deep into his crystal sea like eyes.

"No, not this way."

I smile at him caressing his warm face. I wanted to make love with this man right now.

We shift in his bed so that we are facing each-other side by side. Looking into each-other's eyes, pressing our still clothed bodies against one another. Intertwining our legs. His thumb brushes over my lips.

"I love kissing those lips," He murmurs as his eyes go back and forth between my eyes and my lips. He wants to kiss me, I can tell. I want to kiss him too, but why is he hesitant?

I chose to make the first move, to guide him through our love making. Slowly, and gently I kiss him. Filling him up with the love I possess for him. My fingers gently twiddling with his hair at the back of his head, letting my fingertips to lightly caress the warm skin on the back of his neck.

He seems tentative in our kiss. Almost like he is afraid of something. We have made love before, but I suppose this time is different. This time I know who he really is, my unholy love, my king of hell. A prince of darkness.

Our kiss begins to deepen. Still gentle, but profounder as our mouths begin to open for one another. Tasting each-other with our tongues. He tugs on my sweater so that his warm fingers can feel the soft skin on my back.

I roll myself on top of him. Straddling him down as I continue to kiss him. Slowly he props himself up so that he is sitting up.

Continuing to kiss I let my hands wonder from his hair, to the nape of his neck, down his shoulders and upper arms, then back up again to his chest. Gradually, going down lower and lower, centimetre by centimetre until they rest on his abs. Without making him notice I grasp onto the hem of his sweater. slowly, I pull away from our kiss to pull it over his head. Struggling to get it over his head with my lack of swift movement I giggle a little. When it's all off he smiles at me, and this time much more reassuringly he kisses me with more desire.

Repeating the process my hands wonder his body, almost like I am gently massaging him with my fingertips.

Suddenly, he takes my sweater off too, taking it off in one swift movement throwing it down onto the floor. I push him right back down onto the bed kissing him briefly.

"Lay back down, don't sit up," I tell him breathless.

Rather clumsily I get up and off the bed. With shaky hands from my desire to want him so much I take off my shoes, shorts and tights. Now I am standing before him in my underwear, pale pink and lacey kind of underwear.

He propped himself up a little so that he was able to watch me undress myself. I shake my head in disapproving sarcasm before I lean over him and start unbuttoning his pants. Taking everything off bottom waist down, having this glorious man naked before me.

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