Chapter Twenty

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What!" I let out not wanting to believe it. Pregnant? So soon? How is this even possible? I mean Lucifer and I have sex, a lot of it and majority of the time, if not all the time he comes inside but I'm supposed to be protected.

"How, I-I'm on the shot, I'm not do another for another week!"

"It appears it ran out early and the shot is only 99% effective."

My mind immediately goes to demon babies.

"But the likely hood of that 1%!" I say paralysed with shock.

"And I was told that it can take a while to get pregnant after stopping," I continue.

"I'm sorry, I can tell this is an unplanned pregnancy, but we'll still have to do a few scans to see how far along you are before we discuss all options."

Options? Is he implying what I think?

I nod and right then Lucifer comes back inside. I give my doctor a look of horror and I think he got the message, then leaves. I don't want to discuss this around him. I've no idea how he would react. And do I even want to keep it?

"What's wrong? What did the doctor say?" I hear him ask but I still feel myself floating with disbelief.


His voice is soft and gentle, no forcefulness when he kneels down and looks up at me. Our eyes briefly meet but I can't lie by omission by gazing into the crystal blue seas.

"Just a simple case of dehydration, they're gonna keep me overnight."

"Is that all?" he asks curiously.

I gulp loudly. Do I tell him? No, I can't. Not when I am so unsure about wanting to keep it. This is a child that belongs to the Devil, not me. Even though I am more than aware of him being different with me, I don't want to bring a child into this world that will be like it's father. Growing up to take over the realms of Hell. It too, becoming a monster to the human eye.

"Yup!" I reply trying to sound reassuring, but I think I failed miserably.

Just then a nurse comes in. She puts an IV in my arm and tells me to have some rest before the doctor comes back in the early hours of the morning to do some scans.

I hold my breath at the mention of that word not wanting Lucifer to get any ideas, but he gives me a look.

The entire moment is filled with a silent awkwardness between the two of us, not knowing whether it is appropriate for us to speak.

As soon as the nurse is gone, I fiddle with the IV to try and get myself comfortable in the bed.

"Come, sleep with me," I say quietly, fatigue catching up to me.

He groans as if annoyed by some kind of thought but takes off his shoes and jacket. I move further back as he lies beside me. The IV wrapped around us pulling me closer to him.

"Are you sure there is nothing else wrong with you? You know how worried I can get about you, and if I have to, I will talk to the doctor myself."

"No!" I screech panickily. "Everything is fine, there is no need to consult him for anything now."

"Then what are the scans about?"

"Lucifer," I sigh heavily. "Please, I don't want to talk about it, I'm tired."

"Okay, come closer baby."

He presses me against his chest and all I can think about is demonic babies while I drift off to sleep.

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