Chapter Twelve

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Waking up with Damien in my bed, next to me, is not something I will get used to anytime soon. He looks so peaceful, like an angel. After all, he used to me an angel so maybe that is why he has these two different sides to himself. He shows me his love and gentleness, as well as his wrathful side.

I'm shuffling around in my room getting ready for work. It was a Friday, so I was hoping, and excited to spend some time with Damien after work.

I slept through my alarm a little so I'm trying to rush as I try to get dressed, nearly tripping as I try to slip on my tights, dark grey wool shorts and a nicely fitted navy sweater.

Damien is still sleeping straight on his back stretched out on my bed when I finish getting ready. I slip on my oxfords and walk over to him, bend down and kiss his lips. His eyes slowly shoot open and he spoons me to his naked body.


"Good morning Anna."

He sniffs the crook of my neck.

"Hmm you smell divine."

"I have work to get to, I don't want to be late."

He pulls away so I can look at his face, he was pouting, and I burst into a fit of laughter. Hurting my stomach from it all.

'What's so amusing, Miss Bennet?"

"I had no idea the devil could be so needy, like a little child."

"You forget I am the thirty odd centuries old."

Now I'm the one pouting.

"Baby." He grabs my chin with his hand tilting it up so that I look at him. Lovingly, he kisses my lipstick covered lips. "You don't want me to make you late for work, do you?"

I roll my eyes at him and pull away. Getting off the bed and standing back up to my feet, I tuck the loose tail of my sweater back into my shorts.

"Do you want me to leave my keys for you?"

I grab my phone and put it in my bag, putting on my coat.

"No need, I wanna drop you off at work." He stands up from my bed and walks over to where his clothes lie on my chest of drawers. "I want to take you somewhere after you're done working."

I stand still confused.

"Eh, how do you expect to take me to work if you don't even have your car?"

Midway getting dressed he turns around and gives me one of his looks that tells me I should know better. Then it hits me.

"You had your advisor bring it overnight, didn't you?"


I sigh as I watch him put his shoes on. He stands up, walks up to me and kisses my cheek.

"Come, we don't want you being late, do we?"

Without saying anything I follow him out of my apartment, locking the door after myself.

When he pulls up outside my work building, he leans his hand over to rest on the back of my seat. I smirk thinking about how he thinks he's so smooth. Can the devil be this full of himself? Probably.

"I'll pick you up at five," he says looking seamlessly pleased with himself.

"See you then."

I give him a chaste kiss on the lips before reaching out my hand to open the door, but he stops me.

"Before I forget to tell you." He places his hand on my thigh. "We need to get you a mouse trap."

I look at him confused. "What do you mean a mouse trap?"

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